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Hello, My name is Blur...

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To those of you new to my presence, I would like to say hello to those long standing veterans and new posters of this wonderful site. I hope that I can establish long standing ties with this community and become something of a popular author in the foreseeable future.


To those that have accounts from Imperial Guard Message Board, I'm glad to know that there are familiar faces waiting to greet me as brother. After all many of you have enjoyed My Grum's Guns series in the fluff section as well as my advice on tactics, conversations, and positive comments on many displayed pieces in the painting and pict threads. 


Recently, as some of you know, Proboards have done some remodeling to their site and hence has caused some trouble for me. As a Result my stories there and perhaps all of my work on Proboards is on hiatus pending if I can get contact with a living, actual human admin. I would love to login and continue but sadly, as things stand, I can no longer do this.


So, for now I will grace this forum with my presence of word play and story. In the following weeks I will introduce a space marine named Ryygar and his band of battle brothers from their chapter named Devil Claws. I hope people will enjoy for there will be action, adventure, and alien butt kicking.



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Welcome to the B+C! I am not familiar with the IG forum you mention, but we do have a fan fiction section here on the B+C that your Ryygar stories would be welcome additions to. If you're interested in doing an informative article on your Devil Claws chapter, there is the Liber Astartes where members contribute Index Astartes style articles on their DIY chapters and warbands.


And as always, I highly recommend the PCA subforums to show off pictures of any painting and converting.


So welcome aboard!

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Welcome to the B+C! I am not familiar with the IG forum you mention, but we do have a fan fiction section here on the B+C that your Ryygar stories would be welcome additions to. If you're interested in doing an informative article on your Devil Claws chapter, there is the Liber Astartes where members contribute Index Astartes style articles on their DIY chapters and warbands.


And as always, I highly recommend the PCA subforums to show off pictures of any painting and converting.


So welcome aboard!

Thank you for the greeting, brother max. I look forward to contributing to the site.

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