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Hey all,


With the new rise of T3 models on the field (swarms of nids, IG, Tau in cover, CE) do people consider taking a whirly again? I for one am horribly tempted to give 1 a go sometime :) The other half of the armies are still power armour armies but ALOT of players in my local gaming store use either scouts or cultists (or other equilavent units) to hold nearby objectives and the whirly can generally blow them apart no problem ^_^


Its also cheap! (well fairly cheap) and shouldnt have to much of a problem earning its points back with indirect fire ;) it can force pinning tests (my opponents seem to have a knack of failing them against my sniper scouts!) and the fact that it can fire at them indirectly is a nice psychological weapon as well!



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I never stopped taking them :P


But then, SWs/SMs dont have to pay a 'fast tax' on a vehicle thats unlikely to ever move. BAs is one of the few places where Ive thought the predator was the better end of the stick.

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I hate Deathwing launchers- you cant fire the turn you drop, it adds 2/3 to the price of my pods, and the range is abhorrently short.


Im surprised those pods lived long enough to fire. And while I suppose that kind of *waves arms* shoot me sign is useful, Id hardly call it a powerful tactic most of the time.

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I hate Deathwing launchers- you cant fire the turn you drop, it adds 2/3 to the price of my pods, and the range is abhorrently short.


Im surprised those pods lived long enough to fire. And while I suppose that kind of *waves arms* shoot me sign is useful, Id hardly call it a powerful tactic most of the time.


The fact that they are AV 12 always setsback your opponent. I come in with 3 pods on turn one. That's 1-2 dreads, a sternguard unit. They need to deal with the dread and sternguard ASAP because their damage potential is through the roof. I get to use them most of the time, and a single shot returns your investment 99% of the time. they are even better late game when you bring in your scoring units. They will keep pesky units like cultists in check.

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While other armies have cheaper whirlies if your taking allies JUST for the whirly theyre not so cheap anymore since you have to factor in the cost of an hq and troop choice teehee.gif

If your going that route anyway might as well take them though. But theyre not going to be as cool as ours are. Therye not red whistling.gif

That said the "fast tax" will only come into play if it loses its launcher tbh at which point its just a disarmed rhino chassis without cargo capacity.... That said he should be back behind terrain somewhere, why are people shooting at it to begin with? ermm.gif

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That said the "fast tax" will only come into play if it loses its launcher tbh at which point its just a disarmed rhino chassis without cargo capacity.... That said he should be back behind terrain somewhere, why are people shooting at it to begin with? ermm.gif

Hiding behind LoS blocking terrain all the time is not going to happen.

I'm going to copy paste my post from the whirlwind thread in Tactics;

I run fast Whirlwinds, so my angle is a bit different.

Lately, whenever I don't have them in my list I miss them. They are very poor MEQ killers, but that's not why you take them.

For me they serve three purposes;

1. They encourage my opponent to spread out, or punish anyone who doesn't. Good for me as I want to isolate enemy units and maximize any mobility advantage I have.

2. They can (almost) always fire. A gun that I'm not using isn't good value no matter what I pay for it. The Whirlwind launcher is rarely silent due to LoS or range, and there is always some kind of valid target on the board unless I'm about to wipe the opponent.

3. Sniping individual models, already mentioned above but worth mentioning again. Some models are more valuable or threatening than others, the whirlwind gives you a way to take them out directly.

Whirlwinds are a great tool, IF you have a plan for them.

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While other armies have cheaper whirlies if your taking allies JUST for the whirly theyre not so cheap anymore since you have to factor in the cost of an hq and troop choice teehee.gif

If your going that route anyway might as well take them though. But theyre not going to be as cool as ours are. Therye not red whistling.gif

That said the "fast tax" will only come into play if it loses its launcher tbh at which point its just a disarmed rhino chassis without cargo capacity.... That said he should be back behind terrain somewhere, why are people shooting at it to begin with? ermm.gif

DA also have cheaper librarians and tactical squads xP

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