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Crimson Consuls - Brainstorming the rebirth of a chapter


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I have recently come across the story of the Crimson Consuls, and their destruction at the hands of the Alpha Legion. I like the color scheme and iconography of the chapter, and would like to write an IA article around the chapters rebirth. From a fluff and sensibility perspective, there are some serious obstacles to accomplishing this..


For those unfamiliar with this chapter, I am including a link to a web resource that gives a good summary of the chapter.





The first, and foremost obstacle centers upon the timing of events leading up to the original chapters demise. The Crimson Consuls were wiped out to a man, as a result of the machinations of the Alpha Legion, in order to provide gene-seed to the Black Legion, so that they could bolster their numbers prior to Abaddon's 13th Black Crusade. Since the 13th Black Crusade took place in 999 M41, and the last (26th) founding occurred 738 M41, it will be pretty hard to come up with an explanation that gives a feasible explanation of how the Consuls were wiped out, and re-formed in time for the 26th founding, even though it occurs 261 years before the 13th Black Crusade.


One thought I had, is that perhaps there could have been some actual survivors of the original chapter (perhaps seconded to the Deathwatch or on other duties outside the chapter).  Since some remnants of the original chapter would still exist, this could then skirt the idea of an actual founding, instead being viewed as the "rebuilding" of an existing chapter and therefore not beholden to the chapter founding timeline.



A second obstacle would be overcoming the stigma associated with adopting the name/colors/designation of a chapter that had been previously destroyed. As I read another poster mention in another thread, space marines are a very superstitious lot. The adoption of such a name and designation would surely be viewed as a sign of ill omen. As far as I can recall, there are only two or so examples of a chapter being "re-designated". One being the Emperors Swords (who were ironically both destroyed) and the Star Scorpions (who were renamed the Mentor Legion, but given the same chapter number and color scheme.


Again, this could be circumvented by the concept of a chapter rebuild vs. the founding of a new chapter using the same designation and regalia.


Lastly, there is always the question of "why"? Why would the High Lords invest the resources necessary to rebuild a chapter that had "failed" for all intents and purposes.



If anyone has any thoughts or ideas (even if its just to say I am barking up the wrong tree) I would appreciate the input.



I guess you could justify it by saying someone high up (Adeptus Terra or even one of High Lords?) or simply an Inquisitor who poked his nose into the situation decided that for propaganda purposes they wouldn't let the Chapter die, kind of if they rebuilt then the AL actually failed and the Imperium won?


It would definitely work better if you had a DW veteran to bring back to lead them, maybe make it so he's actually not that happy about being used in the Inquisitors scheme, he'd rather die in battle and join his real brothers in death.

Forgeworld's IA 9 has a Chapter, I think the Fire Angels, where its name and heraldry came from a previous, destroyed Chapter.


Interestingly, they also talk about Chapters being destroyed, only to return millennia later. What would happen if the Crimson Consuls were to return, your Chapter having already "taken over" in a sense? Intriguing. Would they amalgamate? Would one choose to create a new identity? Which one? Or would they both be too proud to do anything but hold on to their names and heraldry, each going their separate way?

There are examples of other chapters that have adopted the name and/or number of previously destroyed chapters. either by design or by accident. For example, the Minotaurs may or may not be a single chapter or multiple chapters that have the same/similar names. The Fire Angels are one of two or more chapters that have used similar names/livery. Depending on how you classify the fluff, the 1st edition indicated that the Ultra Marines are a 3rd Founding chapter that replaced a traitorous legion.


So perhaps you might consider some alternatives.


First is to make your IA focus on the canon Crimson Consuls, filling in history that GW/BL haven't given us.


Alternately, you might make your chapter a different chapter that used either a similar name or similar livery to the official chapter. This would give you a lot of freedom, but would probably also create some confusion among other players.


You might also make your version some time in the near future after the theoretical 27th Founding, ignoring the "stigma" you cited. This provides an interesting plot hook in that perhaps your new chapter might have had a core of survivors from the original chapter. Maybe a handful of Crimson Consuls battle-brothers were seconded to the Deathwatch at the time of the chapter's destruction and, deprived of a parent chapter to return to, they remained on service with the Deathwatch with the expectation of eventually dying. In this theoretical future, though, the 27th Founding is authorized and the survivors (those that still lived, that is) might have been honored with forming the core of one of the new chapters. The rest of the new chapter's gene-seed came from compatible stocks (Ultramarines Legion, most likely from stores of the original Crimson Consuls gene-seed that had been submitted to Adeptus Mechanicus for purity testing and storage). And since all we know of the actual Crimson Consuls livery is the basics of the colors, perhaps the new chapter adopted a slightly modified scheme and badge. And knowing of the fate of their previous/parent chapter, perhaps they have dedicated their new chapter to vengeance against those responsible for the loss of the Crimson Consuls.

@Lysimachus & Brule


That is some great feedback. I really enjoyed the hook of having the chapter rebuilt by an Inquisitor who essentially wanted to "stick it" to the Alpha Legion by rebuilding the chapter in spiteful defiance. That being said, would a lone inquisitor have the pull / clout to authorize those kind of resources? I am sure that perhaps one of the "legendary" Inquisitors might, but then it seems a bit arrogant to say that "my chapter was rebuilt by Coteaz" or something.


@Cormac Airt


You raised a very original idea, kind of a conflict of worth so to speak. While that is not the direction I wanted to take this chapter, It would DEFINITELY be an interesting focal point for another chapter... might keep that idea on the back burner if you don't mind.



So far, here is a summary of the key concepts I (and others) have contributed;


1. The chapter will be rebuilt from remnants of the original chapter (such as marines seconded to the Deathwatch, on Pilgrimage, or other services). I like the concept of some hardened, battle-wise veterans forming the nucleus of the rebuilt chapter.


2. I want to use the idea Lysimachus presented of an Inquisitorial supported rebuild - I still need help justifying why those kind of resources would be dedicated to a failed chapter. I can totally get behind the idea of a "spiteful" Imperium wanting "plausible deniability" to show that the Alpha Legion failed in their efforts to subvert a Chapter of Astartes, but would they be willing to throw those kind of resources into the pot to do it?


edit - One thought just occurred to me. Astartes chapters, in general, are mostly autonomous. They do not directly fall within the authority of the Inquisition (there are several examples of Chapters telling the Inquisition to "take a hike"). Perhaps the Inquisition, seeing an opportunity to have an Astartes chapter "in their back pocket", would arrange for the resources to rebuild the chapter in exchange for oaths of service (no Astartes would swear loyalty) to come to the Inquisitions aid when needed.


3. Change of battle doctrine. Change of Chapter philosophy, doctrine and character. One of the characteristics of the original chapter that I was not so enthusiastic about was the battle doctrine. By my understanding, the original chapter was a bit "passive" as they "picked and chose" their battles, not wanting to waste spilt Astartes blood. I think, this could be altered by introduction of an important figure (perhaps a surviving Deathwatch veteran- maybe destined to assume the mantle of the new chapter master), who views the chapters previous doctrines as flawed. Perhaps he feels that, had the Chapter been more aggressive and zealous in its prosecution of the Emperor's enemies, it would have rooted out the subversive elements that ultimately led to the Chapters demise. As I am writing this, I am realizing that this should be an important thematic aspect of the new chapter, and that paranoia and suspicion should form the nucleus of the Chapters new character.


4. I think an (THE) important first engagement for this chapter should be the purge and cleansing of their former homeworld. I think any chapter, who has been shamed and dishonored by such an inglorious defeat would want to start their rebirth by stamping out every vestige of corruption that contributed to their defeat. Quantifying this first engagement I think will be important in the IA article to help establish the degree to which the Chapter is willing to commit to prosecuting corruption and heresy, as well as rebuilding their lost honor. Many atrocities may be committed in pursuit of this duty.


That's all so far. As always, I appreciate any additional contributions (positive or constructive).

I just finished a mock up model for the chapter colors and badge.










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