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Most Efficient Way To Spray?

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Afternoon all,


Occured to me that I get through a fair amount of GW spray - and it's one of the few things I tend not to scrimp on because it does give an excellent even coat generally. However, I wonder if there is a more efficient way (or best way) to ensure the minimum amount of wastage.


Previously, I would stand them up in groups - and spray across as indicated on the guide, but often this would miss out bits hanging below. Therefore, I switched to laying many down, ensuring I could reach all angles. This does mean a fair amount goes on the newspaper rather than the models, and therefore I'm positing as to whether this is the most efficient way to spray.


I appreciate that long term an airbrush or alternative will be the way to go - but to get the most out of my remaining aerosols - would anyone like to suggest the best way to spray?


Thanks in advance!



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I lay them down, blue-tacked against whatever, and pack them in tight. The models on the edge of the thing get less coverage than the models in the centre, but seeing as how the spray is just there to give your actual paint some adherence (and a little bit of colour disposition), I find that the effort of 100% coverage isn't worth the trouble.


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