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Commission Honoured Imperium Statue

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Well I'm back I'm afraid! This is the last thing I wanted to show on here, a piece I finished a couple of months ago. A fairly simple commission, the customer wanted a white marble style statue for the centre of his gameboard. After doing some research it was clear that an actual statue made from white marble tends to just look pure white with very faint veins throughout. Despite this, the customer requested I just painted it like your general idea of marble......white with strong and weak veins of blacks and grey. And so here's the result...









He was very happy with the result and I'm quite proud of how it turned out, especially as it was my first major experiment with oil paints. I would certainly redo the base if I had a second chance, that was the one bit I wasn't happy with.


Thoughts and opinions are always welcome,


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I like it.  It actually does look like marble.  It's hard to do stuff like that on a miniature because we tend to paint marble the way we see it, in "our" scale.  In miniature scale, it would be super difficult to paint all the tiny veins.  That being said, I think it looks great.

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Lovely work, though the streaking strikes me as kind of odd.  It looks good, and I'm super jealous of that mind you, but it seems the majority of the streaking is running in the same direction, from bottom left to upper right.  That just seems kind of odd to me.

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My apologies for not replying sooner to you all! Thank you all for the great comments, they mean a great deal to me.


I like it.  It actually does look like marble.  It's hard to do stuff like that on a miniature because we tend to paint marble the way we see it, in "our" scale.  In miniature scale, it would be super difficult to paint all the tiny veins.  That being said, I think it looks great.



It was a challenge I must say. If I tried to do it properly then the statue would just be white, something my client obviously wanted to go against. So it was just a case of basing I around close up pictures of white marble :)


Lovely work, though the streaking strikes me as kind of odd.  It looks good, and I'm super jealous of that mind you, but it seems the majority of the streaking is running in the same direction, from bottom left to upper right.  That just seems kind of odd to me.

From what I observed from most pictures I looked at, the veins do tend to run in the same direction, much like the grain of wood. I could be wrong, but that's what I observed :)


Great work. I really like the marble effect, you gave it a glossy look that is very realistic.

And it's an original version of this piece of terrain, we often see it bronze or stone.



Thank you :) it was a change to sit and see one or these status in something other than stone or bronze! If you ever want one, you know where to find me ;)


Very nice. It actually looks like you found a miniature marbel statue...

Nice to see a new take on this piece.



Cheers, Callius :)


Excellent work. The veins and white glossiness really make it look like marble. Sometimes painting how we think a thing should look is better than painting it now it should really look.



Thank you. That makes a lot of sense and something I had not thought about :) it does seem to work out every now and then.


Yup. You could probably fool someone who has never seen the piece before into actually thinking it was marble. Killer job.



Cheers, Benji :)



Yup. You could probably fool someone who has never seen the piece before into actually thinking it was marble. Killer job.


This. First of its kind Ive seen and looks amazing.



Thanks, Reckoning. I think I may end up doing more of these!


I have to ask... what was your recipe for the marble?  I have been experimenting, but I haven't found anything that I like thus far.

No problem, Blackoption. It was a heavy spray of white, followed by an equally heavy layer of Vallejo Gloss Varnish. The varnish is necessary for the next step, streak thin lines if Black Oil paint over the model, take your time and do one section at a time. Then charge up a thin brush with white spirit and very carefully use the tip of the bristles to just drag and thin the oil paint. If done correctly you'll get the 'veins' to look thick in some spots and then fade away. Then a final layer of Gloss Varnish :)

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I use Vallejo Model Air colours. The white was applied with Airbrush and then it was just the Oil paints :)


White isn't as hard to achieve as people think. Start with Grey and work your way up, it's a great way of doing it. Use the white as just a highlight and a light grey as the base. It's simpler and still looks good :)

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