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So after trying a few different armies out and just not liking it as much I'm back to my faithful blood angels, so I was really just gonna ask everyone what there go to hq is as I'm really starting from scratch all over again. I was always a big fan of Seth and had a lot of luck with the guy. So my brothers who is your go to man and fall back man thanks all
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My force axe, jumppack liby with precience+whatever power I roll up as second has been my main HQ for a long while. Back before 6th he ran UR and SoS.

As far as utulity goes its hard to find something better.

The "hitting at I1" part is abit of a setback though as my Liby tends to get ker-splushed in challenges every now and again. But the damage he has done by boosting squads in the meantime is defenitly worth it :) fact that hes the cheapest HQ we can possibly take is just more icing on the cake teehee.gif

A note on the axe part though. Tbh its needed. Every person I know that has an option for a 2+ save takes it (and cant blame them) so normal power/force swords simply wont cut it anymore. Unless you find some magical way of avoiding getting your HQ model in a challenge but that in itself is pretty hard.... With FC he also hits at S6 on the charge which isent bad at all. Hes had some lucky FnP rolls only to cut an enemy down with a few chops in the first round. 4+'s with rerolls coupled by 2's or 3's are very good odds to kill enemy characters :)

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Here's why I take an axe for my librarian: combat mobility.  Crazy right?  Basically because you're striking at the initiative 1 step, you can move your libby 3" in any direction into close combat.  This means you can steer him clear of any nasties that want to nom/disembowl/poke his innards.  I pay a pretty penny for an axe on my sang priest as well, but they rarely die in CC if you point them in the right direction.  The ap 2 and str 6 on charge via nearby priest is just icing on the cake!

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Mephiston all day. So goood! Kind of expensive so if you have a smaller list like 1000 points i would recommend just a regular librarian with an axe. But if your doing 2000 definitely plug him and and enjoy the ride. His stats are stacked and unless you leave him out in the open for some heavy weapons he will kill it in most CCs. Dante as a second. 

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The primary HQ for many lists these days appears to be a Librarian; either Mephiston himself or a regular Librarian using either the Codex powers or the BRB powers. A discussion on Librarian powers can be found here and a thread ranking our special characters can be found here.


For the secondary HQ slot, people seem to take either another Librarian or a Reclusiarch.

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Either would work. Just to drive the point home: Libby. For an assault army, the BA powers are great. For a shooty army, check out the powers in the rulebook. Also, axe for all comers, but for low initiative, low armor save armies (non termie heavy sm lists, orks, nids, etc.)

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Seth is a nice themed HQ :) With S8 and rending I can inmagine alot of things are scared of him as well :D


If you want to make a log of your new army coming together you can do that here or start a new post but the thread has a somewhat matching theme that you can do that here no problem :)

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Well Demoulius I used Seth a lot in fith and he was pretty solid I thought. I played one game so far in sixth with him and as dumb as it sounds the whirlwind or gore in a challenge can be helpful bc you auto hit and as long as you wound he usually kills it right out with the strgh 8
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