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WarlordEXE'S Word Bearer Host


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So the ETL II has inspired me to start up my own painting topic. Up first is the pic of the unpainted 1st vow:




The exact point costs are listed in the chaos ETL II topic as well as gear and what not. Unfortunately I noticed aftering issue my vow that the two bolter guys actually have scabbards for power swords. Darn...30 pts I could added >>.


Also, heres some models I asked on the ETL II chaos topic if they would be considered conversions/count as or scratch builts:


Huron Black Heart






Daemon Prince (in regards to whether or not that sword could be counted as murder sword)





Later on i'll add the current word bearer stuff that've already painted. Won't be too much as i'm on my fourth attempt at a good red color scheme. I think I finally got it, but on the chosen I over washed the model, and the rehighlights of scab red are misbehaving. Kind makes my want to take a  hammer to my army, but luckily the silver stand out so much that on the table top its hard to notice the shady highlights. Also, I just got a bunch of secret weapon weathering pigments so maybe by really weathering the models I can covering up my poor paintmenship. Kinda frustrating considering I love painting red and I've never had this much trouble with it before >>.

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So here's an "up-date". no ETL stuff, just models I painted before starting this thread






















And a close up of my favorite cultist model:







Chaos Space Marines:









Chaos Sorcerer:













I used several different painting schemes on the marines trying to find the one I like. Hardest part is that I have to wash the metal parts and red parts separately. As you can see on the sorcerer's should pad the shinny bits of the metalics are absorbed into the wash and spread around the model. Note that I washed the metalics ~3 hours after painting them, so no the issue was not that I didn't allow the paint to dry first.


Hopefully I should have my pledge finished in ~3 days or so. Tomorrow I'll probably post some new test schemes for my bases as I'm not too happy with them now. It's not that I don't like the colors, but a dark model on dark bases just looks bland. I didn't buy those awesome dragonforge eye candy bases just to blend into the table ;D

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So here's a new take on my bases. I used a couple types of brown pigment, but the lighter brown covered over it too much and so it looks some what monotone. Also used some lighter grey pigments that created a really cool looking effect like there was a fire or something (white ash like), but not what I wanted  That said I do like it better then my old base.











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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finaly sort of have an update for my fist ETL Vow.

"Finished Models":


Just Needs to be varnished then transferred to final base:


Still Needs Some Work:


The finished models has quotations on it as technically I still need to drill out the barrels (kept forgetting). This vow has been taking me forever, but that's mostly due to huge amounts of indecession over what colors to use on what parts wallbash.gif , and the heat doesn't help furious.gif

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thanks for the great comments :D. I've actually finished the squad and all the dv chaos lord needs now is his cape. however massive indecision for choosing the color of the cape has griped me. Using the flesh skin cape that I did with the chosen aspiring champion wouldn't work so well as it wouldn't contrast enough with the fur pelt.



That red is a very lovely dark red. Question, how hard was it to clean off all the DA bling from the librarian?


Its pretty easy. Just take your time and trim off small pieces. Easy to take off, hard to put back on. The front little cloth under his head was a tad bit harder though. Almost had to use some liquid greenstuff as it started to get a little ragid from too angular of cuts. You can't see it because of the angle, but the armpit region is a little ruff under the left arm as I had to clean off the entire shoulderpad (which molds righting the power army....silly snap together cheapo mold shortcuts ><) in order to replace with a chaos arm and shoulder pad.

Nice job . I love the earlier use of the Libby. There's a real nice flow to the army including the cultists. 


thanks. Ya to keep the cultists looking hodgepodge, but not so much that it's disctracting and sporadic, I had three main color palletes revolving around coif/headpiece, chest, and pants. The end all was to have 4 sets, and to have one of each cultist for each color set. However with no more bitz buying I lost interest in getting another dark vengeance kit. Need extra back packs for converting the loyalist filth. my converted bikers may come in a later vow, and if not I'll post pics either as an intermission between vows or after ETL II is over.

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So here's vow one all finished along with some close up of the chaos lord. I ended up going against my better judgement and did a black cape (i'm really bad at highlighting black capes). It was kind of a forced decision as I literally spent a week not painting because I couldn't get over what color to do.











Vow 2 should go faster as I had a whole month of indecision with vow 1 to decide on what colors to use for these next models:

















I'm planning on doing a grey skin tone with the demon prince, and use Warbosstae's recipe for the oyster like tzneetchy wings. The only thing I haven't decided on is the colors for the sword. I may just keep it basic and wash some color into the recesses. Who knows >>

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I finally got a chance to use a computer and decided to upload some updates for my ETL II Vow 2. These pictures were taken a while back, and as of now all that's left of the Obliterators is some varnish and finishing the bases. I'm having a lot of indecision again as to what to paint the daemon prince's sword, but hopefully I can figure it out soon:








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