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Converting chaos chosen

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Hey guys so I am thinking about converting a squad of chosen with flamers and I have a idea for them. My idea is combine the raptor kit with the basic chaos marine kit. Do you guys think this will be good enough to mark them out as chosen (if it works I may do it for my sergants as well as currently my basic chaos marines are mostly loyalist marines who have had the aquilla either removed or "damaged")

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As long as your opponents are aware of what they are before the game, the sky is the limit on conversions. You could give them bunny ears if you wanted.


Combining raptor parts and chaos marine bits should work nicely, especially if the majority of your army is still largely imperial in outline

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I reckon it'll work, I've got some WIP chosen that only use about one CSM component per figure, it's the real beauty of CSM is that any marine figure can contribute components, so my chosen are predominantly a combination of DA veterans, Black Templars and Death Company parts with the odd chaos shoulder pad, weapon or other component thrown in. Using bits and bobs from an assortment of fantasy chaos knights, vampire counts and empire kits to add character. Of course I'm working toward word bearers, but for iron warriors you could add some bretonnian helmets and assorted industrial gubbins to achieve an appropriate effect. I'd think that the designs on the raptor kit would work for Night Lords nicely but not exclusively. Go wild, the sky is the limit on this kind of project.
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I don't have my codex, but from recollection there is an upgrade that you can give characters to give them a 5++ save. Why not use the chaos shields as sort of corrupted storm shields to represent this? Just a random thought


The thing to remember above all else with Chaos is that literally anything goes

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That is true and unfourtunately chosen cant take the aura of dark glory :/ if they could id take them over terminators any daylol. The only reason i run my termicide squad is I already have them

Use cover and get the same effect against shooting attacks.


Your shields could be used to represent MoN on them though...

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That is true and unfourtunately chosen cant take the aura of dark glory :/ if they could id take them over terminators any daylol. The only reason i run my termicide squad is I already have them

Use cover and get the same effect against shooting attacks.


Your shields could be used to represent MoN on them though...

Good idea. I may have to shamelessly steal that...

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