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Brotherhood of the All Seeing Eye


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Hi, I have started a new'ish Choas warband called the Brotherhood of the All Seeing Eye, I have written some fluff for them below, I will also post up a few pics of what i have painted so far, as i paint up my initial 1000 point army, please let me know what you think



The Brotherhood is a Black Legion warband, that came together when the chaos sorcerer Fy’nyro experienced visions of an ancient relic, known to him via these visions as the of the eye of providence, on ancient Terra the eye of providence was sometimes known as the all seeing eye, going back further in Terra’s history it was also called the Eye of Horus.

After being informed of the visions, Chaos Lord Preynar conversed with Abaddon himself regarding seeking this ancient Relic, Preynar brings his personal bodyguard of Terminators, Fy’nyro and his 2 sorcerous apprentices, plus 2 Helbrutes, he has drawn a number of lesser Chaos Lords and leaders under the banner of the Brotherhood.


Chaos Lord Mozast brings his choosen, who are veterans of the siege of Terra itself, as well as a squad of possessed marines; Chaos Lord Bronick, brings a squad of CSM as well as a squad of raptors and bikers; Chaos Lord Daegord brings a Squad of CSM and several squads of Havocs.  As well as the Chaos Lords, a Dark Apostle called Latbaroc has also joined the warband, with his own CSM squad and several groups of obedient cultists, Abaddon himself has aided the warband by gifting the services of one of his Warp Smiths, who brings a long with him a Heldrake and a Maulerfiend, he also maintains the warbands Predator and 2 Rhino’s, Abaddon doesn’t wholly trust Preynar to succeed or hand over the relic if and when it is retrieved, so he has assigned 2 Daemon prince ‘advisors’ to further
support the warband.


The Brotherhoods base of operations is on the lone planet of the Unica system, the systems sun is a small red dwarf star with its faint weak light, it is located about 40ly galactic SE of the Novamarines home world of Honourum.  The lone planet Unica Uno, is a dead world, with a very thin atmosphere and low gravity, the plant is small in size and whose core has long since gone cold, its minimal mining resources are uneconomical to extract, as well as no H2O trapped as ice on or near the surface, which has meant this system has been long been forgotten by the imperium. 


There was a time when the Novamarines would periodically enter and scan the system after the Unica Uno’s only moon, under ‘mysterious’ circumstances exploded, but this event after over a 1000 years passed out of living memory for the Novamarines, and they no longer visit the system.  In recent times the Brotherhood has setup a hidden base on the grey ashen world; they have also setup several resupply depots in the larger asteroids of the former moon, so their small fleet of ships can be resupplied.


The Brotherhood has a slightly different colour scheme to the traditional Black Legion scheme, the gold and silver trim has been replaced with red, but they have kept some gold and silver detailing to honour their Legions colours. 


Of Fy’nyro’s visions of the relic, and what the relic is are still hazy, it is constantly shifting and blurred as he tries to focus on the object, his visions have also led them down a number of dead ends and numerous skirmishers, especially with the Novamarines in there continuing search of the Relic, as the Brotherhood radiate out from the Unica system.  But new vigour has been injected into the endeavour, as the forces of the Brotherhood are drawn together; plus the fear of Abaddon’s wrath to further motivate them, should they falter in their quest.


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Sorry for the delay in posting the pics, had a few Internet issues

Below are some pics of Chaos Lord Preynar




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One of my other Chaos Lords, and Sorcerer







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I have still got 1 terminator to finish, but here are the 2 I have done so far, plus a pic with them and Preynar






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My 2 CSM squads that I have done so far and the thier Champions


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Last one for now, a choosen group shoot, cultists and my modified shooty Helbrute, Which I used a missle launcher from SM dreadnought and used the arm guard, from the arm i cut off to try and make it a bit more chaosy






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