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Chaos Bike Ideas

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Ok so I am at the stage with my Iron Warriors that I need to do my six man bike squad. My problem is the GW bikes both loyalist and traitor are a bit meh!


I could really do with some help in regards to conversion ideas or any examples any one may have seen. I got to be honest at this stage I'm thinking about scratch building the bikes with the riders actually part of the bike themselves. Only problem is its going to be a huge amount of work and well I'm lazy lol.


Any help would be great.

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First, do a google image search for "post apocalyptic bikes". There's a lot of good ideas in black tubular steel, rusty armor plates, and off-road conversion. Especially check out the bike-terminator from Terminator: Salvation, and the motorcycle nightmare scene from Nightmare on Elm Street 5


Next, decide how truly lazy you are, because six bikes is a pretty big project, so make sure the cool factor will keep you motivated to finish.

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Some pics if you are interested.




Thats my Lord bike.


And my Reaver Bikes .









They are very simple to make,use DE reaver bikes bits and Chaos Marines bikes bits.


Thay make an aggresive and sleek look, and don't worry about the marines on it, the size is absolutly no problem!


They perfectly fit, plus when you assemble them has usual and put them on the ledges they have that Bike Racer Lean forward look.

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Bionic Marines!  Buy some of the tank kits from Flames of War, the WW2 minis game.  Convert up some bits to connect the Marine's waist to the hole for the tank's turret and voila!  Marines who have had their legs replaced with vehicle tracks. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Go with the "built into the bikes" idea. Its perfect for Iron Warriors.

I am doing a similar but instead of using bikes just any kind of small tracks looks good. Check out Mantic Games Jotunn Hailstorm Cannon.

I am using tracks from these and similar as a base and implanting torsos on top. Depending on the size you want you can even toy with Orge bodies for more size and impact (count as MoN)

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