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Deathwing 2000pts!


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The Army is now complete!!!


Took some patience, but learned some new things with it. I havent painted for awhile so I had to get back into the swing of things and I made a couple mistakes that cost me a bunch of time that I hope to save on the next army!


Painted in about 5-6 weeks....



What do you think? (closeups to come!)





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@Alex, Thanks! and Yep the icons are from the Dark Angels sets, not sure if they come with terminators

@Stobz, Thanks! I will have another army on tap this month :)

@Weber, I agree, I didnt want to overload them or complicate them with details, bling and freehand craziness. I wanted the bone to do the work, and I think it does!

@McFisty, glad I could share with everyone! I hope to have some more armies sooner than later :)

@Quixus,  can you check my army list and let me know what I forgot to add in? And you got me! I noticed his shoulder was bare, I ran out of shoulder pads after replacing a few FW ones hahaha. Also not all the bolter holes drilled... I realized that and did them after the photos though.

@Syth, Thanks! I want to get an almost full company of DA done in less time! Airbrushed basecoat beige on the terminators, hand painted everything else including highlights and colours.. should of airbrushed more! And tanks beige is airbrushed, and then hand painted lining, edging and details





Belial- 190pts




Venerable Dreadnought- 160pts


Twin Linked Lascannon and
Missile launcher


Venerable Dreadnought- 160pts


Twin Linked Lascannon and
Missile launcher




5 Deathwing- 255pts


2 Lightning Claws, 2 Thunder
Hammer and Storm Shields, 1 Assault Cannon and Chainfist


5 Deathwing- 245pts


1 Lightning Claws, Assault
Cannon, Chainfist


5 Deathwing- 245pts




5 Deathwing- 245pts






Land Raider- 250pts


Land Raider- 250pts

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Ah, OK you used HS.gif Land Raiders. I thought they were dedicated transports, which are required to take the Deathwing Vehicle upgrade. I also thought the dreadnoughts were regular ones due to the MKV models.

You forgot the Storm Bolter on one of the Land Raiders. Remove that and you are spot on.

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@war angel, I havent played much with new rules so I cant really say. Im sure vs eldar it wouldnt be so good though :P


The next list is a fully infantry dark angels list, about 80 marines I beileve. Im not sure how many points it was 1850pts, but I since added a few models to fill out some units.


Grey knights after that, all infantry


Imperial Fists after that, only 30 infantry!


Then an army I will actually keep, is my ravenwing army with crimson fist allies :) I am really debatign making it white scars instead, but i have all the ravenwing bitz....


@Quixus, Ahhhhh fair enough. Ya that storm bolter is a pain... I am choosing to ignore its existence hahahah  

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Well I hope it serves as inspiration rather than to discourage you!


I have begun work on the dark angels, but it seems I forgot my camera at the studio... So I will have to post them later tonight!


I just got through basecoating the red on the 90ish marines. The green has been airbrushed and highlighted, so Im working through the basecoats then I will go back and highligh.


Next army, I am going to separate the guns from the models, would save so much time when basecoating with an airbrush.


Its always a learning experience!!! I tell ya....

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I could of done it more efficiently, but I didnt really know what I was doing or trying to do when I started, I kinda winged it!!


It sounds a bit complex, and in a sense, for tabletop painting it is certainly more involving and requires an understanding of blending techniques and glazing


For Troops:

-Primed Black

-Airbrushed Menoth White Base

-I washed the bone with devlan mud selectively to get the cracks and not cover the bone 

-then I used bastion grey to pick out all areas that were in shadows (could of saved major time by airbrushign black+bastion before bone layer!!)

-Highlighted by hand by adding skull white, included edge highlighting

-added the colour variation by glazing rucksack tan, an andrea red paint(forget name) and gnarls green

Yellow near highlights, red in the lower highlights, green in shadows


For vehicles:

Airbrushed menoth white base over black primer, gradually blending so top was brightest/purest

Airbrushed skull white/menoth mix on specific areas to highlight

Airbrushed bastion grey to level out the black areas leftover because i was dumb and didnt base them grey first!

Airbrushed andrea red paint on areas on the sides, rucksack tan on the top to emphasize highlights

lined areas with bastion grey+black

edged all areas of the tank that did not receive direct light with menoth white base

edged all areas that received dircet light with skull white+menoth mix


It may sound like a lot, but I actually painted both raiders in about 2 days, or about 8-12hours

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One was assembled tighter I guess, no gap filling was done.


I only really noticed it when I was airbrushing, it`s there but it didn't bother me enough to gap fill it. I suppose I should of!

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  • 2 months later...

The army now expanded!


2 units of deathwing knights, 2 dark talons, 2 predators.


There is also 3 characters in the works, all being painted to golden daemon standard:

-converted chaplain

-converted/partly sculpted Belial

-scratch sculpt librarian











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A beautiful army you have there, and as someone who has failed several times to get a decent DW color scheme down (hence my switch to the all-black Angels of Vengeance!), I am envious.


The color modulation on the vehicles is especially well done, and I applaud you for going down the road less traveled and not ruining some great paint jobs with overdone weathering and chipping.

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