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Heralds of Destruction a bit of background info

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Hey guys so heres a bit of background info about my Chaos Space Marine chapter the Heralds of Destruction. Any thoughts on the back ground are welcome


Name: Heralds of Destruction

Primogenitor chapter name: Ultramarines

Pre Traitor chapter name: Nova Lords

Chaos Allignment: Chaos Undivided

: Favoured Fighting style: Tactically flexible/ siege/ raiding attacks

Armour Colour: Black Armour with Red Shoulder Pads and Pauldrons


Pre Traitor Background:

The Heralds of Destruction where once a successor chapter of the Ultramarines known as the Nova Lords. They were founded half way through of M34 as a Vicous ork warlord raged war on the septarian sector in the galactic east. As battle between the forces of the rulers of the planet santicus and the Ultramarines against the orks became more tedious the ultramarines Librarian Augustus requested that the High Lords of Terra enable them to create a new successor chapter here for the people of this sector had not only helped in fending off the orks but destroying them to. He even went as far to say that it was because of them that the besiegement of the Orks Fortresses and ork camps. After hearing of the peoples heroic efforts the High Lords agreed tocreate the successor chapter the Nova Lords. At the start of M35 they were at full chapter strength and began the long wars to keep their sector safe and prevent the enemies of the imperium from prevailing.


They quickly adopted a tactically flexible combat style that the codex astartes demanded however they quickly gained a preferance for fast speed attacks and siege warfare. As such many believe it was here that the corruption began to seep into the chapter for as they waged long wars with skill and precison they began to see how the imperium really treated its people. That it was not the benevolant saviour it claimed to be but that it was just a bunch of evil tyranioal overlords ruling over the populace and using the space marines as a weapon against anyone who threatened their power. While they gained many victorys in the name of the Emperor and the imperium a dissent began to seek its way into the chapter however this would not show its face to the battle of thrallax ultra.


The Battle of Thrallax Ultra.

At the start of M36 they would be sent to Thralax ultra alongside a force of Grey Knights to stop a incursion of word bearers and their daemon allies. When they arrived on the world they found that battle between the armies of the planet and the forces of chaos had already begun and was in full swing. Quickly realising that they needed to focus on different tasks Grey Knights Librarian Aldread ordered Chapter Master Karsarn Forsworn to lead his Nova Lords in and to destroy the Heretics while they dealt with the Daemonic forces. As the battle continued and they pushed the Word Bearers back it became clear that the battle was almost over. As they commited to the final push and slaughtered the remaining word bearers Librarian Aldread ordered that the surviving population of the planet be put to death for they had seen the Daemonic Forces. Outraged Karsarn asked the reason for this as these men and women and children had defended their own home and now they would be rewarded by being slaughtered just because they saw the enemy.

Thats all I have written so far so what do you guys think so far :)

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Its a good start, and certainly explains why the Nova Lords became disgruntled with the imperium, but might I suggest that it would take a little bit more than that to turn a force of space marines away from the emperor. it could well be the beginning, but I think it would be better if there was a big event that finally made them say 'you know what, *&£! you emperor!"



Plus, a little bit about who they became might be useful. Heralds of Destruction implies a word bearer-y way of doing things. have they now become disciples of the chaos gods as they consider the emperor unworthy of their worship? are they barbaric or refined? do they attack blindly to satisfy their own ends, or with purpose to achieve a greater goal?


I know you haven't written that part yet, but it would be interesting to see what you can come up with

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They are similar to the word bearers in one sense. I woiuld say they probably have slightly more in common with the Iron Warriors especially as they say f you to the imperium as they pretty much become cruel and heartless. While they still offer the "humans" a chance to join them they are litrally treated as bad as slaves. The big event foir them was the fact that the Grey Knights were basically gonna slaughter every non marine on the planet just because they saw the Daemons, so the Nova Lords are very litrally thinking is what we are fighting for actually worse than chaos. Its what leads them to become renegades and then eventually chaos worshipping traitors

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I agree that the killing of the population by the Grey Knights would start a rumble of discontent, but Space Marines are famed for not having a strong connection with un-augmented humans. I personally cant see a chapter turning renegade over it


Perhaps the inquisitor accompanying the Grey knights announced that the Nova Lords had to submit themselves to investigation because of their objections. Instead of submitting, the Nova Lords fought their way out of the system and were declared traitors? The subsequent campaign against them turned them from renegades into fully fledged Chaos marines determined to bring down the emperor  


How does that sound?

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That actually sounds alot better as it would make sense them then going back to their home world taking what geneseed they can and taking as much of the population that they can. That could also definately explain how they change from almost human loving to such cold cruel evil marines :D

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