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When are psychic powers generated


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Just a clarification, really, to make sure I have it right:


"Before either player deploys their army, you must generate psychic powers for your psykers." (BRB p.418)



Once the battlefield has been set up, it is time to determine your Warlord traits and deploy the armies for battle." (BRB p.121)


"Before the battle, immediately after determining Warlord traits, any Warlock in the Council may be split off from this unit and assigned to lead a different unit from the following list:"




What I'm getting at is, does it go:


1. Set up Fortifications.

2. Set up terrain.

3. Set up objectives.

4. Roll for Psychic Powers.

5. Roll for Warlord Traits.

6. Choose to split off Warlocks into other units.

7. Deploy forces.


To me that's how it reads, which is awesome because I can cherry pick which power I want in a given Guardian squad.

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I had hoped so too, but I was told by another B&C to check pg 424, there, Warlord Traits are determined first, then Psykers generate random psychic powers. Since splitting warlocks is immediately after determining Warlord Traits...

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Didn't see that. Oops, resultant procedure is therefore thusly:


1. Set up Fortifications.

2. Set up terrain.

3. Set up objectives.

4. Roll for Warlord Traits.

5. Choose to split off Warlocks into other units.

6. Roll for Psychic Powers.

7. Deploy forces.



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I had hoped so too, but I was told by another B&C to check pg 424, there, Warlord Traits are determined first, then Psykers generate random psychic powers. Since splitting warlocks is immediately after determining Warlord Traits...

Wouldn't they be simultaneous, then? And open to "acting player chooses the order"?


BTW: What is on pg.424 that you're referring too?

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Yep, it lists everything except the warlocks (for obvious reasons).


As the warlock unit entry states that they are allocated immediately after determining warlord traits, that's where it slots in to that list (at stage 5)


Psychic Power generation lacks the wording "generated immediately after warlord traits", but rather that it happens "before deployment"  So it's not a simultaneous event.


It seems a bit silly, but then again I doubt I would take anything except conceal/reveal (the Primaris) on Warlocks anyway.  It's the Spiritseers job to take some of the others and boost Wraithguard to super levels of awesomeness.

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