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Greetings Brothers


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Hello and good evening.

I have read topics on this forum for a long time since I have started warhammer 40k.

Now that I'm a part of it, I'd like to thank the people who run this place.

I thought I'd register an account so I that I could hunt for inspiration, tips, feedbacks in order to motivate myself finishing an army.

I've been collecting 40k on and off for a couple of years now and after going through several ones I have finally settled upon having a 5th edition Dark Angels one. I love the lore of those Marines and the fact that they have their own secrets.

That is it for now; I'll stop myself before I really get going and this turns into a too long introduction post.

I hope to learn how to use my army efficiently, not to mention getting a whole bunch of ideas for future projects!

Be gentle with me. Cheers.


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Welcome to the B&C! I hope you enjoy the boards here as much as I do! In learning your army more effectively, we have the Tactica Astartes subforums for tactical advice, as well as a subforum specifically to critique lists. General support and conversation about your specific codex can be found in the faction subforums, as well. I also always recommend the PCA subforums for showing off your painting and modelling skills. Start a WIP thread to inspire others and to push yourself to get everything painted! We like to see each other's minis here yes.gif

Once again, welcome to the B&C!

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