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1500 pts nids kebab

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Nids can bring a lot of firepower up close. Your sternies can take out a big gribbly in one round, and I would use the DC with 10 bolters, 2 fists to wipe out a horde that will pose a threat to the sternguard.


The massive amount of bolters that you drop into your opponent's DZ will see you through charges with overwatch.


I've not played nids in 6th, so can't say too much more, really. 

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Take flamers where you can. I'd consider throwing in an assault squad in a pod with a flamer and a sarge with two hand flamers. Flamers scare the hell out of nid players and nowadays almost always avoid charging said units due to overwatch.


Overall tactics: go for synapse first. Kill the synapses,a nd you can mop up whats left practically at will

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Good idea. A drop pod army should always arrive more or less where you want, and the ones you really want (non scoring troops and elites, I imagine) will come down first as you choose half to deploy in your first turn.


It also means that you either get in a round of shooting at the enemy, or miss a round of shooting from them, so its a viable option

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Some nid lists can be psychic heavy, their codex is quite unbalanced and a bit of a 'bolt on for now' FAQ set. So a psychic hood would be a good thing to have knocking about, just to negate. They have shadow In the warp, which is the same as a hood I think.

They don't really have anti air to speak of, a flying hive tyrant maybe, so personally, a raven is a must, stuck with hurricanes, you'd most certainly ground it with all that firepower if not kill it in one round of shooting, then your free to chomp away at whatever is about!

You could use it to deliver a cheap other half of the assault squad, for point scoring. Then you'd have the other 2 flamers and gunslinging flamer sarge in the pod to really mess those gaunts days up!


Some nid lists can be psychic heavy, their codex is quite unbalanced and a bit of a 'bolt on for now' FAQ set. So a psychic hood would be a good thing to have knocking about, just to negate. They have shadow In the warp, which is the same as a hood I think.

They don't really have anti air to speak of, a flying hive tyrant maybe, so personally, a raven is a must, stuck with hurricanes, you'd most certainly ground it with all that firepower if not kill it in one round of shooting, then your free to chomp away at whatever is about!

You could use it to deliver a cheap other half of the assault squad, for point scoring. Then you'd have the other 2 flamers and gunslinging flamer sarge in the pod to really mess those gaunts days up!

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i want to try a null D list :) looks fun to me :D euhm yeah assault squad in pod? JP can't go in a pod, eh? or do i miss the point ?

Fraid so. Can swap their jump packs for a free drop pod or a 35 point discount on any other dedicated transport

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Mephiston will wreck havoc against any monstrous creature but a Tyrant with a Bone Sword and Lashwhip. Anything else you can mow down like a cheap escort on Mardi Gras thanks to use speed and force weapon useage. Because all the psykers MCs are characters, you can use Transfixing Gaze as well.


Sternguard+Corbulo and combi flamers will deal with anything.


Make sure to carry some S8 weapons (melta or infernius) to deal with The Doom. That thing can whipe out entire tactical squads in no time for 90 points.

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As both a Tyranid and BA player I feel that Mephy isn't necessarily your best option as you are psychic testing on 3D6 and suffer perils on any double 1 or double 6 if you are within 12" of any synapse creature (so not only tyrants and psykers), also the only IC in the Tyranid codex is the Tyranid prime so transfixing gaze isn't much use. Also he is very easy to tarpit with free gants.

Thankfully there is only 1 or two lists that are in anyway competitive so if you opponent is a competitive player expect to see:

2 flyrants with 2x TL Brainleech devourers or a swarmlord deathstar (Iron arm swarmlord with a regen prime and a tyrant guard for possible T9 goodness and wound shenanigans) for HQ

A mix of Hive Guard, Doom of malan'tai (in spore) and/or Ymgarl Genestealers for elites.

Minimum squads of termagants to unlock 2 - 3 Tervigons as troops

Maybe some Gargoyles as moving cover for the flyrants.

Trygons, Dakkafexes (2x TL Brainleech devourers in spore) and possibly a full brood of Biovores.

Tervigons are usually bubble wrapped so you may struggle to take them out with alpha strike.

Generally the way they play is either Beta strike where you get swamped by trygons, doom in spore and dakkafexes on turn 2, or swamp you with free gants as each Tervigon pumps out an average of 20 - 25 gants per game (sometimes more, sometimes less)

biggest thing to watch out for is a round of shooting with 2x TL bloodleech devourers usually results in around 9 S6 hits which will generally wreck AV12 or less and a good way for flyrants to score first blood.

I love Doom but he can pop or he can fizzle, but I have had him take out large amounts of models in the turn he dropped so don't bunch up as spirit leech only has a 6" range.

when it comes to fighting Tyranids, flamers and blood talon furiosos are your friend.

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i want to try a null D list smile.png looks fun to me biggrin.png euhm yeah assault squad in pod? JP can't go in a pod, eh? or do i miss the point ?

Fraid so. Can swap their jump packs for a free drop pod or a 35 point discount on any other dedicated transport

omg! did you say FREE drop pod? :D damn rewriting my list :p free PODS wohooooooow :D

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