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Good Blood Angel Allies


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Hey i'm a bit new to 40k and i have been looking at mixed armies with BT and DA counter-parting the BA ( I know there are others). I was just curious, what are good ally options for the Blood Angels and why. I know that the BA are a fast assaulty type army and I like that. I normally run a sort of jumpy list with mm attack bikes and AM with priests and a mix of other things... don't want to get to in depth. But i do like the fact that they are good with the assault and are very quick to the punch. Like i said i am new to the game and don't know much about other armies out there and i would really like to know what there strengths are and how they could compliment what the Blood Angels already have. I have quite a bit of flexibility considering a have about 4000 pts already and am open to any options or advice on possibilities of Blood Angels allies. Any advice would be appreciated!

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I strongly recommend Imperial Guard. For a low low price, you get the main thing Blood Angels never get on their own: numbers. You can fill your backfield, hold objectives, bubble wrap tanks, plus get one of the best units in the game (Vendetta) for just ~400 points.


I understand DAs have some good synergies with us, but for my money, it's IG or bust.

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Ive found that I love keeping to the marine theme, so i stick to SM/DA/BT/SW in that order of preference - more for fluff reasons than efficacy!


BT i would have in much more often if it werent for that damned no-psyker rule.  

They provide cheap troops, and some great HQ and elite support options.


DA are currently the best as far as marines go for cheap SM troops.  90 points nets you a 5man lascannon squad or 120 nets you 10 sniper scouts- which is great.

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If you fancy being heretical and Xenos, Necrons are a good choice. A devastation barge and some immortals can hold on to an objective like hell, and can be even better if given some aegis lines and a quad gun.


Emperor forgive me, for I have sinned...


Yes, Mr Ravenor, I'll come quietly...

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Thankyou for the input. All the info has been very helpful. I like the idea of 5 lasc for only 90 pts.. omg thats chesp. I will definetly make use of that considering the guy i play plays a mech/ drop pod wolves list.. my only concer with ig is there AS is so low. Are there any specific hq or elites i should be looking at thhat could make a big impact?
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If you have the points to invest Col.Straker (iron hand guy) is one of the best units in the whole IG codex. Tema him up with Nork Deddogg and you've got a damn good (if pretty pricey) combat unit.


IG infantry is IG infantry, take lots and lots of them :)

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Recently ive been having trouble with my buddys nids a space puppies armies. He runs lots of monsterous creatures in his nids that normaly use there subteranean assault and mess up my troops real good. Mephiston doesnt really do the job as he used to and im left trying to take them down with my Storm raven and mm ab squads. And his puppies are dropping in pods all over disrupting my tactics. He normaly aims for my lasc dev squad or my mm attack bikes that i use for taking out his rhinos and razorbacks. So once there gone im stuck with a pretty hard time. He'll than unload his grey wolves once hes got the advantage point and im stuck with the luck of the dice gods. I know this is alot but im looking for any ideas or advice that may help. Im definetly leaning towards the DA for there cheap lasc so i can put more points into something else.... Any DA hq or elite thats real cheesy out there?
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Well... if you've seen any of my posts recently you know where I'm headed.  I'm big on Tau allies these days - somewhat from personal preference in wanting to build/paint them up, but their guns really fill gaps.  Tremendous plasma platforms and/or TONS of med/high str. shots (high yield missile or heavy burst cannon).  Squishy troops though, so it adds to the pain of high cost BA.

Food for thought!

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If you fancy being heretical and Xenos, Necrons are a good choice. A devastation barge and some immortals can hold on to an objective like hell, and can be even better if given some aegis lines and a quad gun.


Emperor forgive me, for I have sinned...


Yes, Mr Ravenor, I'll come quietly...


Desperate Allies can never be scoring or denial troops. So with necrons you kinda lose out on the greatest advantage with allies, fixing our own weak scoring. Better then to take Necron Core and BA allies.


One overlooked option is Grey Knights, terminators in particular. Somewhat affordable for a scoring unit with 2+, can keep up with anything we got thanks to deep strike, can manage themselves so there's no need for expensive HQs or support units.


GKTs are great all rounders with few weaknesses. 

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BA troops are fine, BA Assault marines suffer a bit in 6th we are no longer quick on the punch since furious charge got nerfed, we are I4 it aint the end of the world but Assault marines cant shoot very hard and everything else swings a punch at the same time we do.


If you dont like Monsterous creatures then take some Tau,  Basic ethereal 50 points and some Tau troops for around 60-120 then go grab a Sniper drone team and max it to 3 firesights and drones. for another 150 points approx.  The Ethereal's 12 inch bubble means they wont break and are going to hang around.


1) Firesight marksmen are the most cost effective markerlights in the game plus their rail rifles are 48 inch and BS 5

2) Ethereal power works for 24" with sniper drones. This means that at 24" in a squad of nine (roughly 150pts) you get 27 sniper shots at BS 5. Thats 24 hits.... on average 4 will rend. They also marked the unit they shot for anything else. They also serve as the best monster hunters in the Tau arsenal.


3) Sniper drones are still jump infantry. This means that you can hide the entire unit out of sight behind a wall in the enemy turn, fly over in the movement phase, rapid fire, then jump back over out of sight in the assault phase. A surprisingly useful ability.  As long as the controller is in coherency as he is infantry.


If you really want some moving punch take a Riptide for the elites slot and walk him up with the rest of your troops sure he's 190-200 pts and needs the snipers to function, hes going to get shot at but good luck with that I would not take him unless your playing 2000 points.   But the snipers and ethereal with a few Tau troops using EMP grenades are pretty useful.


Yes its filthy xenos Tau, but they have guns, the Tau have all the guns and we can use them in 6th till the emperor provides something to make up for I4 on bolt pistol assault marines.  Even bloody space elf warp spiders are cheaper and better than our RAS now

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Against the pods, try an aegis with quad gun. The gun has interceptor and skyfire, so you'll at least be able to take some shots everytime reinforcements come in. Just an idea. Also, the aegis would help keeping your troops safe when they deep strike in.

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