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The new wrathnight and pathfinders with illic

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What do you think as a blood angel player is the most efficient way to kill them?

I had in the past used whirwinds to take out pathfinders easily but with ilic it might be a challenge.

And for the wrathnight i was thinking some land raiders would do the trick.



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Illic Nightspear. An Eldar special character; nothing but a sophisticated sniper. He can be pesky, but in the end, it's only one shot a turn. Whirlwinds are still the way to go versus Pathfinders. While Illic gives his unit Shroud, burn missiles will ignore cover all together. Or just Frag Cannon his unit a new one. Out of all the possible Eldar leaders, I don't consider him the worst to face. Or just assault him. He'll die to a handful of Assault Marine attacks.


The Wraithknight is a different matter. While it's big and scary-looking, there are better units. While its T8 is fearsome, and 6 wounds means it can swallow a lot of fire, Mephiston can just walk up to him and Force-zap him into nothingness. I wouldn't exactly use Land Raiders to combat Wraith Knights. Their Heavy D-Cannons are Str 10. Additionally, they could always just assault the Land Raider, as they're a MC and have Str 10, that wouldn't work out too well for the car. They're Jump MCs, so they move 12" a turn.

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Ah, not up to date with my Eldar.


Ditto on the above. Although from what I hear about pathfinders they cannot take a charge. If Khorne Beserkers or Death Company get em then they are dead meat. Van Vets might be good for that too.

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As they're a low toughness, low armour unit - even Assault Marines will wipe them out. They're the perfect unit to take care of such threats. Fast and cheap, by Marine standards. There's no need to bother your assault specialist units with small fry units like Rangers, if you have a choice that is. Pathfinders aren't even all that great.  They are Sniper Scouts with BS 4. They scare MCs more than they scare regular Marines..

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What is the eldar's Interceptor capabilities.


Non existent, barring purchased fortifications.


FC Powerfists will smash the wraithknight, unit of DC, 2 fists and a chaplain should probably kill it in 1-2 turns. You just have to get into combat with it (jump packs).

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There are more and more MC's and FMC's running around these days, we have a few answeres for the Warithknight, though only one of them will consistanty one shot it:


Mephiston takes this guy's lunch money

Sternguard with poison rounds can consistantly put wounds on it. 

Missile Launchers or better will hurt it over time. 

Terminators and DC with PF's will put him down quickly with average rolls. 


I think the real problem is that a smart Eldar player will protect him alot and with screens to prevent alot of the CC answers we have, allowing the Wraithknight to pick where/when he engages. 


I think Mephiston is more an auto-include then he ever has been in a BA army these days b/c of the number of Demon Princes around already, the Wraithknight is a much easier target for him then those guys.


Mephie in a Stormraven would get it done, fly close and no matter what happens Mephie gets to jump out and punk him down.


That said, I have yet to play the new Eldar.  I suspect that they have alot of other scarry stuff that actually need to be targetted before the Wraithknight.  If you build in a plan to face Helldrakes, Assault Marines seam like a great potion against most eldar since they have low toughness. 

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