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Rules Question

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We ran into a bit of a thing the other day during a game and I wanted to run it by you folks to see if anyone knows for sure.


A player blew up his opponents vehicle during his shooting phase, can the unit that gets out assault on the next player turn or no?


Thanks in advance.

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Depends - if the vehicle had an Assault Ramp or equivalent, then yes. Otherwise, no - it follows the normal rules for disembarkation. 

Example: If I were to have Khorne Berzerkers in a Rhino that got destroyed during my opponents turn, they would NOT be able to charge my next turn - That's why I put Thousand Sons in there, they're for shooting, which they CAN do. 

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I'm actually slightly wrong - the distance becomes 3'' rather than 6'' so its not exactly the normal rules. Here is it exactly:

Wrecked: The passengers disembark in the usual manner (see page 79), save that they must end their move wholly within 3'' rather than 6''. If, even by performing an emergency disembarkation, some models are unable to disembark, then any models that cannot disembark are removed as casualties. This does not prevent the rest of the unit from disembarking. The unit must then take a Pinning test. After this, the vehicle becomes a wreck.


Explodes!: The unit suffers a number of strength 4, AP- hits equal to the number of models embarked. Resolve these as for shooting hits, except that the controlling player allocates any wounds caused. Surviving passengers are placed where the vehicle used to be; any models that cannot be placed are removed as casualties. The unit then takes a pinning test. 

its not stated in Explodes!, but it would essentially be the same disembarkation as Wrecked, with the movement nulled to "where the vehicle used to be" and still taking the pinning test - You can never assault out of a vehicle, wrecked or otherwise, without an assault ramp. 

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I also found it in the Errata / FAQ Section (Games-workshop.com / Games / Errata and FAQs / Shrine of Knowledge / 40K Rulebook)

Q: If a unit disembarks from a destroyed vehicle during the enemy
turn, can it Chargein the Assault phase of its own turn? (p80)
A: No, unless the vehicle in question was an Assault
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I also found it in the Errata / FAQ Section (Games-workshop.com / Games / Errata and FAQs / Shrine of Knowledge / 40K Rulebook)


Q: If a unit disembarks from a destroyed vehicle during the enemy
turn, can it Chargein the Assault phase of its own turn? (p80)
A: No, unless the vehicle in question was an Assault


Damn, I went through the entire faq/errata looking for clarification and missed this lol


Thanks a ton for the responses homie.

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