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Nurgle Plaguereaper super-heavy tank WIP


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Been getting ready for Apocalypse (hopefully coming next month) by getting this baneblade converted into a Plaguereaper:






Comments and critiques welcome!


Cranky Old Gamer



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Thanks!  I've still got a little work left to do on it but it's turning out nicely.  I'm finding using liquid green stuff and using the ends of a big brush and brushing it on and then poking the brush into the green stuff is making a nice, roughed-up, rusted looking texture.  We'll see how it looks when painted.

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The green stuff work is nicely done. Nice and subtle. I'd recommend carving into the edges of the tank with some needle files to give the impression the metal is somewhat battered - also the guitar wire pipe on the right of the image seems to have an "unnatural"  kink in it and could do with smoothing out.


My two blight grenades.

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