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Non-Player Demon Prince question


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I am trying to get back into the hobby and I purchased a demon prince model to practice on. I am not going to use the model and I will most likely give it away when I am finished.


As I am converting it to an Iron Warrior while I build I was wondering what a typical armament would be for the model. 


Single close combat arm and converted "obliterator" arm?

Converted siege hammer and converted "obliterator" arm?

Standard arm and standard axe?


I do not want to build an unusable model and any ideas or advice would be welcome. I am not concerned about points just legal conversion ideas, as I do not play chaos.



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it seems like a VERY popular build for the DP is black mace, wings, and MoN... the mace being pretty much mandatory in most cases, so yeah, build it with a really pimped out hammer atleast, even if you do, whoever plays it can allways say that its just a CCW, so no biggie


oblit' arm could explain psychic powers easily, or just be there for show... so yeah, aslong as you model it with a hammer/mace/staff or somesuch, you should be good

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Even for khorne, though, the mace is superior. The amount of extra bonuses you get more than makes up for the extra five points. At least, it does on a daemon prince, where both weapons are AP2. On a lord, there's more of a trade off, since the mace would only be AP4.


Of course, if you're running two princes, the axe makes a good weapon for the backup prince, though the burning brand is also an option.



For CSM princes, there are three main builds:


1) power armor, hand weapon (can be a sword, mace, just big daemonic claws, whatever), no wings. This isn't a model to be fielded normally, but rather just something to keep around in case you roll dark ascension on the rewards table after winning a challenge.


2) Power Armor, wings, black mace (big hammer, mace, something blunt generally) - the melee monster version.


3) Power Armor, wings, burning brand (big flamer, or maybe a dragon head spitting flame or something) - can wing around torching things like an extra baledrake, and can still pack a wallop if one of your units needs some melee support



Note that, while some people still run unaligned-looking princes and just say they have whatever mark, unaligned princes aren't really a thing anymore, except for dark ascencion results. If you're fielding an HQ prince, it has to be marked. For the pure melee hammer build, any of the marks are reasonable, though Nurgle is probably the best. For the flamer build MoN is blatantly superior and there's just no question. For an iron warriors prince, most would go with the 'just model it undivided and say it has whatever mark in game' route, but if you wanted to work the obligatory alignment in somehow you could do that. Nurgle aligned Iron Warriors stuff, for instance, is often shown with excessive rust and corrosion, as opposed the the more typical fleshy bloating.

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