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Wielded as a pair the Blood Talon is often the weapon of choice for a Death Company Dreadnought (and sometimes a Furioso Dreadnought). Through it's special rules it allows the Dreadnought to cause massive amounts of pain on an opposing unit, sometimes going so far as to wipe it out completely.


There's even a comic about how awesome they are :)


When using yours, do you stop once the unit is gone or do you see how many you could have killed? What is your high score? Post below!

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In the four times I have used a Death Company Dreadnought with Blood Talons, it was immobilised in three of them without reaching combat...


In the only game where he made it his high score was 21 kills in one round of combat. Sadly though this was a "what if" as the Death Company has already butchered the unit (both the DC and DCD charged something in cover...). He did have a legitimate posting of 11 in another combat though.

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I haven't got a chance to do this yet, but I've always wanted to cast prescience on a snippy dread for a bajillion x infinity attacks on an ork mob or IG infa-blob.


However, last Thursday I deployed a snippy dread from a Raven to blend 2 full squads of dismounted IG plasma veterans into a protein shake.  Sweet, delicious kill points...

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27 Ork Boyz. I casted Prescience on a Death Company dread before he assaulted. Yes, I'm a bad person and probably going to hell...

They are Orks.  They deserved it.


I hardly ever use dreads.  Had one in my last Apoc game against Orks but the game ended before he disembarked from his Stormraven. My personal best is something around 10 or so.

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Ive had 2 instances where a talon dread outright killed enemy squads on his own :)

One instance (and about the first time ive used it) was my talon dread munching through 30 boyz in 2 combat phases nuke.gif

The 2nd instance was a few ago when my talon dread charged a unit of necron warriors of about 20 strong and killed them to a man as well! He was later charged by a tomb spyder (while in cover) did 2 wounds to it before it could retaliate, killed it the 2nd round and was finaly glanced to death by a 2nd unit of warriors (he needed his last die to make it work though! otherwise I would have charged that unit as well! pirate.gif )

For all the times they work though ive seen them whiff so many attacks as well. I havent tried casting precience on them but I often miss half of their attacks in the first turn. They dont got problems wounding stuff but hitting seems to be hard at time sweat.gif

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All you guys posting high numbers are aware that you can only kill engaged models? Just checking since it's pretty common that they clear out their killzone when you get them into combat. VS guard and orks that often happens before they pile in on I3 resulting in a smaller tally than expected.

Well my opponents tend to clump their models together pretty closely. That said were also still pretty new to 6th edition so its possible we did it wrongly. Then again ive never killed an entire unit in 1 turn yet so I doubt it will have mattered much sweat.gif

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All you guys posting high numbers are aware that you can only kill engaged models? Just checking since it's pretty common that they clear out their killzone when you get them into combat. VS guard and orks that often happens before they pile in on I3 resulting in a smaller tally than expected. 

Most of my experience hs the talon dread fighting models at I4 or higher, so they have piled in when I swing. 


Against Orks, my best results are usually in the second round after they pile in further.

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All you guys posting high numbers are aware that you can only kill engaged models? Just checking since it's pretty common that they clear out their killzone when you get them into combat. VS guard and orks that often happens before they pile in on I3 resulting in a smaller tally than expected. 

False.  BRB, pg.25: "Note that it is possible for all of the models in the target unit to be hit, wounded and killed, including those that are not engaged.".

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All you guys posting high numbers are aware that you can only kill engaged models? Just checking since it's pretty common that they clear out their killzone when you get them into combat. VS guard and orks that often happens before they pile in on I3 resulting in a smaller tally than expected.

False. BRB, pg.25: "Note that it is possible for all of the models in the target unit to be hit, wounded and killed, including those that are not engaged.".

Thanks for pointing that out, looks like I've been had thumbsup.gif

Time to pay a certain guard player and his blobs another visit....

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From now on you should make it a point to wipe every of his units out in one turn, now matter how big or spread out they are.


Sure, you will be fired at during his turn. But you'll just pass your saves with Sanguinius' aid.


Drive into him the holy vengeance of truth and victory. Leave him shattered.

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What is victory? Is it to defeat your enemy on the field of battle?

Is it to simply repulse his armies and slay his misguided warriors? No,

this is only the very beginning!




True victory is to crush your foes utterly, to shatter his armoured

legions and run down his fleeing troops as they scatter. Pursue them to

their lairs and burn them out. Burst into his unholy temples, smash down

his icons and topple his foul idols. Burn his heretical works and leave

no stone upon stone. Slaughter his followers, their families and their

livestock lest any of their taint remain. And when that is done, put the

ruins to the torch.




Any that have dealt with them or given them succour must be obliterated,

for memory is insidious and though you have crushed their will and

their bodies they may yet return. Send warrior scribes to excise the

records of their name, expunge their deeds from the annals of history

and remove even the memory of your foe's existence. Only then have you

truly won.




This is the meaning of victory.

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All you guys posting high numbers are aware that you can only kill engaged models? Just checking since it's pretty common that they clear out their killzone when you get them into combat. VS guard and orks that often happens before they pile in on I3 resulting in a smaller tally than expected.

False. BRB, pg.25: "Note that it is possible for all of the models in the target unit to be hit, wounded and killed, including those that are not engaged.".

Thanks for pointing that out, looks like I've been had thumbsup.gif

Time to pay a certain guard player and his blobs another visit....

Oh my I can only imagine how stupid it would be to play it differently. Just spread your guardblob across the whole table and it's unkillable in melee.. ^^

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