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[Commission] World Eaters Apothecaries and Champions


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Hey guys, I'm back with some more Heresy-Era World Eaters!





Some more blood-smeared World Eaters, but these fellas have a perfectly good excuse for looking like this: They, much like Dr.Satan, Dr.Quinn or Dr.Pepper, are physicians so it's OK.


Maybe you'll remember that I painted these models before for Crimson fists. The colour scheme isn't all that different this time but some subtle alternations were made (like adding more brutal chain weapons and top knots. I love top knots.) I didn't hold back with the blood on these guys due to how they're supposed to hack up friend and foe alike. Which, come to think of it, isn't all that unheard of either for World Eaters but there you go. If you really think about how muc of a mess chain weapons hacking at someone would cause I think I'm really not underdoing the splatter look. What do you think?





Here we got some legion champions to go with them:





A part of the latest batch of this by now rather large commission project which I was looking forward to the most is the characters. Not only Angron, but also the smaller-time champions and such.


These two guys for example, despite the very same colour scheme, look like they're very different characters, wouldn't you agree?




For more pictures and a bit of more information, check out my blog/site: http://battlebrushstudios.blogspot.co.uk



Comments, questions, etc. are highly welcome as always! Also don't forget to check out Battle Brush Studios on Facebook!

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@Deus de Mortalis: Thanks but how come you wouldn't be able to identify them? Marines not looking angry enough? <img data-cke-saved-src="http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif" src="http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" title=";)" /><br /><br />@Dange: Cheers! I thought that there was a kind of savage/barbaric vibe to the lightning claws guy so I went for some stylized barbarian bondage gear. <img data-cke-saved-src="http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif" src="http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/msn-wink.gif" class="bbc_emoticon" title=";)" />




edit: Holy chainsword, what happened to my post there? It's all cody. :S

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I like them. The blood is very effectively done - although there's lots of it the very fine spotting and spattering effects prevent it from being overpowering. I very much dig the bronzes and the ludicrously well done chain freehand that pops up in a couple of places. What's the story behind that?


My one gripe is that the pre heresy world eater scheme is very striking and I think a lot of that is lost by switching from a clean white to grey (as well painted as ithe grey is), though it's offset somewhat by the red of the top knots and apothecary juices. 

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@Schmitt: Thanks very much. The chains are just from the FW decal sheet so no credit there for me. :/ The white is pretty much as white as you can go, it's just the battle damage and dust and whatnot that might have darkened it a bit. I painted several squads of those WE without topknots as well about a year ago and I think that with the stonger red they look better actually.


@The4thHorseman: Thanks very much. I actually didn't get to build these models, so I'd have to ask my client where he got the lightning claws.

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The claws are from the Warp Talons/Raptor plastic kit, which I cannot recommend highly enough to conversion artists, kit bashers, and anyone with an eye for cool bits. Back on topic, the models look great and I totally agree with your point about the two champions look like quite different characters. I don't really care for the topknots, but that's just my personal bias and not at all based on the wonderful paintjob seen here!

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