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Ravenfeld, on 19 Jun 2013 - 23:33, said:

I really love the idea of a Telepathy Sorc in TDA, it is my primary HQ concept at the moment.. but I have this really cool modelling idea for a lord with dual Lightning Claws and I was thinking I would do a MoT Sorc w/ foot slogging MoT TDA w/ Reapers and a MoS Dual Lightning Claw Lord in TDA w/ Deepstriking MoS TDA w/ Icon of Excess! I could make the DS'ing squad 5 man instead of 10 for a more manageable footprint.

I'm not so sure about the Slaaneshi terminator squad. I think I5 for the squad and I6 for the lord are useless more often than not. Almost every AP2 CCW is I1 anyway and if the enemy is in cover, increased initiative doesn't help much without assault grenades. Feel no pain doesn't do anything for wounds from S8+ shooting and melee weapons, the ones that are probably going to give your terminators the most wounds. You will probably make the squad more survivable by just taking another terminator instead of the banner of excess. Another problem with the squad is that they are all S4, lack any shooting attack, and lack any AP2 melee weapons. They are going to get shot to pieces and/or assaulted by someone who does it better than them.

Ravenfeld, on 19 Jun 2013 - 23:33, said:

But you could use the powers on top of the melta/brand no? So wouldn't that make it doubly effective?

You can only make one shooting attack either way. At least with the brand or a combi-melta you know you have it and can use it when you want without any psychic test or deny the witch roll. It isn't that the tzeentch lore is really bad, it is that the other lores can offer you more valuable powers. If I was going to run a tzeentch sorcerer, I would give him mastery lvl 3, terminator armor, a spell familiar, a power sword, and a force axe.

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Thanks Mortalis!


I didn't mean the entire Slaanesh squad would have lightning claws ;) I meant the Lord would, since thats the modeling idea I had in my head. The rest of the squad would probably be power swords / mauls with combi weapons and I would only deep strike them in around units they could handle / remove without a huge amount of risk. I mean it is a second TDA squad with my Tzeentchians marching up the field with reaper autocannons and a telepathy sorc! Although I see your point in terms of grenades and assaulting into cover... definitely some food for thought. Maybe i'll just take an Apostle to bolster my cultist squads instead of a lord all-together.. or maybe I will just take Huron after all. I dunno.

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This thread inspired me to do a little work on my growing Terminator contingent.


I conjured up a Terminator Sorcerer with Brand:



Made some arms to turn my Warsmith into a counts-as Abaddon:



And a week or so ago I converted a Chaos Terminator Apothecary as a counts-as Icon of Excess:



Because I want to run more Terminators. Because I want to drop a Terminator Deathstar on someone's head and see what happens. I'm exploring the avenue of Daemon allies to get our pseudo teleport homers back so I can have a better chance of safely delivering a unit with such a large footprint.


I guess the problem with using Chaos Terminators as a key unit is that loyalist Assault Terminators could do a number on them pretty easily. That and delivery/mobility. And high points cost. But the models are cool and fun to make, so whatever...

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Running 3 units of 3 seems like the better idea in my mind. Add in 2x2 oblits and you have a healthy amount of TDA on the field, and none in a "wasteful" manner. It's a lot of deepstrike, which almost makes me wonder if the dimensional key might be worth it.

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Speaking of a 3x3 TDA set-up, Zyl, I was actually considering doing that for my Alpha Legion.  I decided to go full foot and drop the few Rhinos I had (the only AV model in the army would be a single Heldrake), and priced it out with 3x3 Termicide units -- all axes, two squads with combi-plasmas and one with combi-meltas.  It makes me somewhat beholden to Reserve rolls though. . . . what do you guys think?

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Trying something similar tonight. But only have 2*3 Termis, both with combi-melters. However 2 drakes are still in there. It may just be worth going for an aegis + vox relais to reroll reserves?

Agreed. With that much in reserve, you'd want the help bringing it in.

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When going for a big terminator unit, I try and keep it cheap. Power axes, maybe a couple mauls, maybe a single chain fist. Combi bolters, maybe a couple combi meltas, maybe trade the champ's bolter for a power sword for +1 attack and some options in a challenge. No marks, no vets. Saves upwards of 100 points compared to more extravagant all combi plus mark set ups.


For the attached character, I prefer a lord (for fearless), in terminator armor, with MoN (to avoid instant death from fists & hammers), power axe (cus its free), and Burning Brand (to make 'avoid and ignore' a less palatable option).


The whole unit of 10 plus character comes out to less than 500 points. Still an awful lot to risk on the vagaries of deep striking, but not quite so overboard as the 750+ death stars you might otherwise end up with. After all, naked terminators are still highly threatening to most targets, and regardless of what equipment or marks you give them, they're still going to get wrecked if they end up going to to toe with hammernaters, so why go overboard? Save the points and second HQ for the rest of your army.


Multiple small units are still preferable, of course, and I like the all combi approach with minimal squads of three. But for big squads, I prefer to keep them as cheap as is reasonable.



Hopefully the new Apocalypse rules has some updated terminator formations to make bunches of chaos terminators more exciting, at least in big games.

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Speaking of, I've been planning to magnetize my terminators' arms to swap weapons around, but am having trouble finding bitz order places with chaos terminator arms in stock. Do any of you know of a good third party source? Not just for the weapons themselves, but the whole arms....
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Magnetization process has been going well so far, apart from lacking spare arms, and not being able to find my old terminator bits. Used Chaos Knight Shoulder pad for an arm I didn't have a termie pad for, and it looks badass, highly recommend, almost enough to tempt me to tear off some of the regular pads I've already used. Plan to magnetize some spawn arms to use with them for counts as mutilators, at least until a plastic mutie/oblit dual kit is released, because I'm sure not going to buy the finecast models, I've had enough bad experiences.


Squad of three is pretty good to go. I've got enough magnets and hacked apart torsos to do... fifteen maybe? But three's enough of a pain to start, and I've only got three or less of most of the weapon options, and no combi bolters at all to do a cheaper big squad anyway (converted all the ones I had into combi plas back in 5th). Hrm.

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