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Which land raider?

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I currently have 5 termis w/ Thunder hammer/Storm sheild and i put them in a land raider i was thinking about getting 5 termis and putting them with it and then getting a crusader for the A termis. What should i get crusader or redemer or another land raider. Also can u have lots of transports (that arent dedicated, just like a random blob of razors) without them taking FOC

slots ?





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All dedicated transports can only be bought after buying a "parent" unit. And then only one for each. The only transport we have that isn't dedicated is the Stormraven.....

So I'm afraid the answer is no to your last question.

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Redeemers get a lot more respect than crusaders. While crusaders are more likely to actually get a good kill-count they don't have the same impact on the opponents play as the redeemers. Worth taking into consideration. 


Never! As a fleshtearer captain, I can safely say that bodycount and gore matters! WAAAAGGGHHH!


Oops, wrong species :)


I actually agree with your post, its just that I haven't made many smartass remarks on here yet :D

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Also can u have lots of transports (that arent dedicated, just like a random blob of razors) without them taking FOC slots ?



You can take Razorbacks with nothing inside but they have to have a parent unit. So if you take 2 units of 5 marines, you can take 2 razorbacks and just not put the unit in it.

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Regarding the land raiders, I think it would depend on the rest of your list. Generally, I'll take a crusader. It has a larger troop capacity and the Hurricane Bolters have a similar range to the rest of my footsloggers. I would take a Redeemer over that however if the tables on which you play tend to have a lot of cover.
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I've just bought another raider. For those of you that caught it earlier there was a thread up about raider spam.


I'm going to try out one of the 5 raider variation posted in that thread;



2* naked assault squads in phobos raiders

2* naked assault squads in redeemer raiders with pintle MM

1* naked assault squad in redeemer

2* whirlwinds


Gonna borrow the rest of the raiders. 

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Sounds fun. I'll keep a lookout for your report. We need all the info/experience shared we can in order to keep the IX Legion sharp. smile.png

It's likely to be my project for the fall. Right now I have a painting backlog to deal with for my pods n dreads lists. :)

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