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[Commission] Crimson Fists Army


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Hey fellas, between painting World Eaters I got a short notice call for help to paint some reinforcements for an army I painted last year - Crimson Fists Space Marines based on the Rynn City siege. Basically the info was "I need two attack bikes, five assault terminators and a Land Raider Redeemer painted and at my place within the next 30 days". Well, here's the first piece:









The idea was to make the attack bikes look a bit different to each other as there is a strong focus on individuality in this army as you might remember. These guys have been besieged for quite a while, fending off Orks left and right constantly, so the fellas are dirty, wounded and kind of crazy and their equipment beaten and worn. On this fist attack bike, the gunner's throwing a frag grenade at something they're just passing by which is an image I always enjoyed for some reason.


As always, C&C are highly welcome and don't forget to "like" Battle Brush Studios on Facebook, check out my own blog/site for info on my painting/modelling service and many more pictures. Also check out Tale of Painters and feel free to contact me about any commission job you have in mind. ;)

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Okay, I'm back from walking the dog to a "dog bath" with a friend. Before that, I managed to finish the Land Raider and take some pictures. Even had time to edit (crop and such) them, even uploaded them, but just had to leave before I could post them properly. ;)










Done! Off to the post office with you rascals tomorrow and they should be home way before the end of the month. Hope that you like the Land Raider. :-)


As you probably know by now, these are meant to represent the force that held Rynn City during the siege so all the Marines and vehicles are meant to be really messed up by now. The Land Raider's got a fair amount of extra stowage and vox so it can work as a mobile command center as well to quickly set up hard points of whatever you call it at new hot spots.

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@Firepower: Thanks very much. I was surprised how much the metal still shines through the soot in the pictures myself. :D It looks proper burnt up in real life.


@Cylu: :D Oh dear. Thanks for the heads up, I made a happy little mistake there.


@Greyshift: Thank you. It's a mix of airbrush, drybrush, "stippling" (if that's a word) and pigments. So pretty much everything in the book except for actually dunking the model into dirt and dust. ;)

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Hey fellas, here's the last entry for this batch of reinforcements for the commissioned Crimson Fists army:

Here's Assault Terminators squad GALLACUS (as you may remember, this army is based on the force at the defence of Rynn City):



Hope that you like them. smile.png

edit: Right, I fixed my avatar picture now too. Much better.

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@Brother Alecium: Cheers. I'm quite a fan of those head bandages. Makes them look wounded and battered and whatnot. Not sure if you can see it but there's some crusted blood running across the forehead and over the right eye.



Here's the second Attack Bike:

The other attack bike has the driver firing his bolt pistol whilst driving because in 40k you just can't keep drivers of anything from getting their handguns out and firing them somewhere. They also got a bunch of battle honours on the attack bike, probably because the gunner keeps focussed and doesn't start chucking grenades left and right.



So glad I finally found some bases for these attack bikes too.

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so tell me, do you sleep well at night knowing you put other's painting skills to shame? only joking chum, they look fantastic as always. i love your work and with skills like that you are definitely putting them to good use and making a business out of them. just liked your page on FB. 

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