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Hi, I've just been looking at the 6th ed update for Necrosius and was wondering about his psychic powers. Have they been FAQ'ed yet? I think they still refer the old Chaos Codex (Nurgle's Rot and Gift of Chaos). I'd like to use him as a secondary HQ so any help would be appreciated.


Thank you.

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Unfortunately it doesn't look like they'll be updating the faq any time soon, so my suggestion would be to roll for his powers like any other level 2 nurgle sorcerer, plus his own unique power.

Otherwise... carry the old codex with you as well. Rules say you get to use him, let your opponent pick their poison.

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I emailed Forgeworld about it and other chaos models and this is the response I got


                   Thank you for your email and please accept our apologies for the delay in replying to your email.  We will be releasing an update for our Chaos models to bring them in line with the latest Chaos Space Marine and Daemon Codex, however this is a few months off yet.  The experimental rules we had listed were not compatible for the new Chaos Codex.

If there is anything further we can do to assist you, or if you have any queries about the information we have requested or provided, please telephone us.

Forge World


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