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Airbrushing washes

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So I've just set out on the airbrushing venture, I'm still very very new to it but I was wondering.


Do people put washes through their airbrushes and if so at what stage. For example I'm planning on three colours for my troops. Macragge blue then altdorf then calgar. I'm going to try the zenithal technique but should I wash them? If so after the first colour then do the highlights or after all three?


Any help greatly appreciated!

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You can, but it will act more like a glaze, meaning it will tint the entire model what ever color you are using. You can allivated this some by putting a gloss or semi-gloss coat on before you spray your wash. Then you can go back a clean up any pooling.

Ive used washes in airbrushes before to get shading but only on tanks 

Heres an old pic but if you look at the vindicator in front you can see the wash spray gives a shade effect around the turret


I dont spray washes on minis but what I do is spray the base then spray the highlight and then give it a wash with 50/50 medium and wash. This ties the transition between the colours together and runs into the deepest joints. You can then highlight with your choice of blends. 


I hope that helps





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