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Khornate Terminator Lords

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So, after a hiatus of a couple years I decided to dust off my old World Eaters army, and I noticed reading through the new codex that a Terminator Lord seems to be a pretty solid option, at least for friendly games. For five points more than the base cost of a Space Marine Captain you get 2+/5+ and a power weapon. I have a number of Chaos Lords and a couple Daemon Princes, but naturally nothing by way of Terminator commanders. I also really like the generic Terminator Lord model, which is influencing my thinking to no small degree, I admit.


While I recognize that Abaddon and Typhus are both much more powerful than even the most kitted out of custom built Termie Lords both are very expensive (points-wise) and Typhus really doesn't work with the theme of my army. .


So, to my fellow Khorne/World Eater players, do any of you guys run Termie Chaos Lords? How do you use them? What do you guys think are the best builds for them?


As a final note, Forge World's Terminator Lord is an epic model, although for obvious reasons having a power axe and a power fist is somewhat redundant, at least now that GW has differentiated the various "power weapons". Using a power fist and the Axe of Blind Fury wouldn't be redundant, but that's going to get really expensive really fast. Maybe just skip the model altogether? Or are there any work-arounds?



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I use Zhufor model as TDA lord with Axe of blind fury and a powerfist, that huge chain axe is absolutely the best of all I've seen to represent daemon weapon. I like powerfist as it allows to punch dreads, especially contemptors.

It may be tricky to get such lord into combat, but when he gets there, it feels like I'm cheating. Las time I used him, he killed a whole 10-man BA death company and reclusiarch with just a 4 or 5 cultists. I either deep strike him with terminators, or transport inside Storm Eagle with a bunch of Berzerkers.

Also, he can beat many enemy commanders due to S6/7 AP2 attacks at ini5 - Logan Grimnar, Typhus and Belial rarely live long enough to attack him. I think only Abbadon is better in terms of survivability/damage output.

Sure, biker or JP lord are much more mobile, but they also drop to AP3 weapons. I take TDA lord every time I play chaos and he's yet not to kill his points back.

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Wade that's a pretty glowing review for a Khornate Termie Lord. I find I usually have trouble getting mine into CC. He's got this big warning light above him that says 'run' to my opponents.


I'd say the biggest drawback is speed. He does seem like a fun option though, but Khârn is so beastly it's hard to replace him at that point value.

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Yeah, Khârn is great for his points too, but he's not so good in challenges. TDA Lord works great for me against assault-oriented armies, especially marines when he doesn't really need to be mobile, can recieve a charge and still win easily. I think that telephaty sorcerer can go with him and use invisibility to make him almost unkillable, but I dislike psykers :D

What I love the most is that many opponents underestimate him and his small berzerker squad (and everyone and their grandmothers say that berzerkers are bad these days) - it's just 2+/5++ without eternal warrior and can be instant-killed, so they throw heavy hitters like Thunderwolf Lord, Grimnar, Dante, Belial, Ghazgull or whatever 200+ points close combat character at him and get beaten without causing any wounds even at 'zerkers.

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