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Name my CSM Chapter!

Brother Talos

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Hey everyone! I have decided to change the colour scheme and name of my chaos space marine army. They are fully green with red trimming.
I need YOUR help to name the army.

FOR PICTURES  AND POLL GO HERE! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/534924.page

Here are some name ideas.
Soul Devourers
Green Devils
Green Death
Void Stalkers
Void Devourers

Anything helps!

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Can you tell us anything about the character, history, gene seed, fighting style of your warband? Then we can offer better suggestions.

Here is some brief history.

Primarch: Unknown

Founding: 3rd

Warstyle: Range and Close Combat

Heraldry: 2 colours mixed

Home: Death World



If you can also try think up some more history for them please tell me as well!

From the colour scheme description I can't help but think of Santa's Elves tongue.png

How about the Corruptors?

That was my first thought too... lol. Red and green is just never a good idea, because there will be something which wants white highlights and the first thing everyone will think of is christmas marines.

They actually released a model of that back in the dawn of time (Rogue Trader era). I'm not joking.

You're looking for the name of their warband as a chaos army? Or the name of the chapter from whence they came? (I mean, if its the chapter name, it probably shouldn't be as 'evil sounding' as if its what they might rechristen themselves as under the influence of chaos. Otherwise you get the cartoonish 'What did you expect when you named them that?' trope.)


From the colour scheme description I can't help but think of Santa's Elves :P


How about the Corruptors?


That was my first thought too... lol.  Red and green is just never a good idea, because there will be something which wants white highlights and the first thing everyone will think of is christmas marines.


They actually released a model of that back in the dawn of time (Rogue Trader era).  I'm not joking.


You're looking for the name of their warband as a chaos army? Or the name of the chapter from whence they came?  (I mean, if its the chapter name, it probably shouldn't be as 'evil sounding' as if its what they might rechristen themselves as under the influence of chaos.  Otherwise you get the cartoonish 'What did you expect when you named them that?' trope.)

The legion name. E.g. The Night Lords

You say your Chaos Space Marines were made in the Third Founding, and their battle tactics are...standard Marine battle tactics and they have Green and red quartered colors.


I'd say they were some of Guilliman's (the Ultramarines, or a Successor built from a successor chapter) since they have the most loyalist successor chapters and theretically most of non Original Traitor marines too.

Okay...let's get some baselines here.


A Legion is one of the original 22 (18 Known) legions of Space Marines made during the first founding.  Chapters were what the legions were broken into after the Horus Heresy (the Second Founding) of about 1000 or so standing, active Marines, with recruits, wargear, ships etc.


A Renegade Chapter is a Chapter that has in some way, shape or form been declared traitors by the Imperium.  There's usually dissent within the Renegade chapter, and it goes into a "Chapter War" where by factions are picked, polarizing around strong individuals, where one or more band together to try and take over the remnants of the Renegade Chapter's dwindling remaining assets.


A Warband is group of like-minded fellows that go and kill people together (like most 'Clans' in online FPS games) where the guy with the most might and highest Kill-count/cunning/etc is the guy in charge.  (They really are just angry, emo Orks in power armor and somewhat less randomness).  They can be from any assortment of Chapters, or Legions-but they fly the Flags of their own warband. 

You could say a Warband is a very well armed and coordinated street gang, even though the members of the Warband come form different places and backgrounds-they all share the same attitudes and goals (Death to the Imperium, Blood For the Blood God, Etc.)


Now that that's out of the way, you say your Chaos Space Marines were made in the Third Founding, and their primogenetor is unknown, so that means that they don't know what Legion they are from (if any-they could and most likely did come from a Second Founding Chapter)

Your CSM's battle tactics are...pretty much "Standard Space Marine battle Doctrine" with Ranged and Close combat.

What about "Dog Soldiers"?  *Has been watching Longmire on Netflix*

Dog soldiers?

Void Knights.  Led by a fallen Dark Angel and opening their doors to any space marine with a grudge, they ride forth from their asteroid stronghold in the dark space between stars where no light shines, seeking to tear down everything.  Why?  Because only in the absent, glorious void can their tortured, guilt-wracked souls know peace.

From the colour scheme description I can't help but think of Santa's Elves tongue.png

How about the Corruptors?

Santas elves hahah

The Corruptors sounds nice. Any ideas for the legion insignia/logo?

Could be an evil looking imperial aquila, or one that is falling apart/broken to represent how they have corrupted the Imperium's ways?

From the colour scheme description I can't help but think of Santa's Elves tongue.png

How about the Corruptors?

That was my first thought too... lol. Red and green is just never a good idea, because there will be something which wants white highlights and the first thing everyone will think of is christmas marines.

They actually released a model of that back in the dawn of time (Rogue Trader era). I'm not joking.

Oh god I'd just about repressed the memories why would you bring those up?

As for a Warband name why not Bringers of Nightfall? Hope this helps. :)


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