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Lord Load Out

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At the moment I am having some quite good success with my Chaos lord in the following load out - 


Chaos Lord (175)

- Bike

- MoN

- Sigil of Corruption

- The Black Mace



I have seen quite a few lists where the Lord is armed with a Power Fist and a Lightening Claw but I seem to be missing the point of this. So why is it worth it and does anyone have a particular load out they prefer?


Thanks for reading,

Black Iron Ind. 

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From my understanding the claw/fist combo allows you to get the +1a from having 2 special weapons as well as being able to deal with a variety of threats as you can choose for your attacks to be fist or claw attacks. Modeled my BA Capt this way but haven't used him yet.
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You can get your wow factor from a burning brand, if your local community thinks replacing the combi-bolters on the bike is valid (seems legal by rules, but at the same time probably isn't intended, so mileage may varry).
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Basically, the way I picture it is that a model on a bike has to have one of his weapons mounted on the bike, and that this is almost always the combi-bolter that it comes with. I'd be fine with someone swapping it for a combi-weapon, even a plasma pistol, but when I see someone swapping it for a power-fist etc, I just imagine a Chaos Lord driving around with a big boxing glove sticking out on the front of the bike that he punches people in the face with.


I can see the argument for swapping it over, as it seems somewhat legal rules-wise, but I just can't get that image out of my head every time I hear it mentioned on the forums here.

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Unless I am mistaken the Combi Bolter is on the Bike and cannot be replaced. It also states that he can TAKE items, not replace his existing Bolt Pistol and CCW, unless he is taking TDA. So he retains his bolt pistol and CCW plus the Power Fist and Lightening Claw. 


Although I fully agree with the idea that riding a bike with both a Power Fist and Lightening Claw is a little ridiculous, the only way I can see round this from a modelling perspective is to make something that looks like the claw that the Huron model from Forge World has.

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I've seen a lot of:




Sigil of Corruption

Axe of Blind Fury

Juggernaut of Khorne


seems like a lot of people are going this route too. Plus I've seen people go 2 different routes with a  retinue of spawns or bikers.


or same lord as you but with the MoS and a bike retinue with Icon to give them all FNP.


I've seen a lot of ppl are doing these too.


I personally have mine on foot and use mine for the shooter of the gun emplacement in my army.

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O modeling is easy and I've seen a couple of ppl go this route with the PF and LC. I use Fabius Bile backpack with the servo stuff for my Khorne Lord and Aspiring Champions. That way my opponent cannot argue that its either a PF or a LC bc technically it could be either of them or both.

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Unless I am mistaken the Combi Bolter is on the Bike and cannot be replaced. It also states that he can TAKE items, not replace his existing Bolt Pistol and CCW, unless he is taking TDA. So he retains his bolt pistol and CCW plus the Power Fist and Lightening Claw. 


Although I fully agree with the idea that riding a bike with both a Power Fist and Lightening Claw is a little ridiculous, the only way I can see round this from a modelling perspective is to make something that looks like the claw that the Huron model from Forge World has.

Check the codex again, he replaces his weapons.

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i take a chhep unmarked terminator lord with combi bolter and lightning claw. it always gets its points back and doesnt make me cry when it dies.

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Unless being strictly undivided is an essential part of your theme, it seems a waste not to give such a lord the MoN or MoS to unlock troop choice plague marines or noise marines respectively.


As for the bike - don't be silly. The PFist and LClaw go on the hands, the burning brand would go on the bike, like a regular unit bike replacing their combi bolter with a regular flamer. I agree that it's still sketchy, though, and almost certainly not rai, and may be explicitly killed by some future faq.

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as mentioned above, a power fist and claw gives you 2 different attacks but you still get the bonus attack due to them both being specialist weapons.


My current lord is Lord Davros, of the kaled destruction force.

Mark of nurgle

Terminator armour


power axe

black mace

blight grenades

melta bombs



He's around 200 points but I really like the model, so I try and use him where possible. The black mace has worked wonders some games, and totally fluffed out others, but those are the breaks. I've actually hardly used the power axe, but it came free with the terminator armour and gives him a lovely 5-10 attacks without charging.

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Unless being strictly undivided is an essential part of your theme, it seems a waste not to give such a lord the MoN or MoS to unlock troop choice plague marines or noise marines respectively.


As for the bike - don't be silly. The PFist and LClaw go on the hands, the burning brand would go on the bike, like a regular unit bike replacing their combi bolter with a regular flamer. I agree that it's still sketchy, though, and almost certainly not rai, and may be explicitly killed by some future faq.

I'm talking about the people who suggest taking the Fist, Claw and Mace, or something along those lines.

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Oh. Yeah, that would be silly. I mean, as legal by the rules as fist/claw/brand, but still just silly. Also, you really don't need that many melee options. A mace lord might still want a fist or axe for dealing with 2+ saves, but it's good enough against plain old power armor that the lightning claw is unnecessary.
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Also, I was looking through the codex today, and noticed something that goes against the Lord being able to swap the combi-bolter. When it describes Bikers swapping their combi-weapons for a plasma/flamer/whatever, it specifically mentions they replace "their bike's" combi-bolter. Not theirs, their bike's. As such, the combi-bolter on the bike isn't the combi-bolter of the owning model, and thus cannot be swapped.

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An interesting observation, and a strong indication of rai, but not exactly conclusive rawling, considering that the bike in its entirety is also 'theirs', and that they, not the bike, fire the weapon in the shooting phase.
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I was thinking that was the case and with the idea that I might want to swap between Fist/Claw combo and the Black Mace is to magnetise the arm its going on and then make or use Hurons Claw to go over it. 



Unless being strictly undivided is an essential part of your theme, it seems a waste not to give such a lord the MoN or MoS to unlock troop choice plague marines or noise marines respectively.


For me it is as I am taking part in an Escalation Campaign and my leaders history is Nurgle. Even in normal games I use MON as being immune to st10 instant death is just dandy, IMO.

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I just love the fact our generic marines can figure out how to carry and use bp, ccw and a bolter, but our lords are too dumb to work out how to use a strap...


Given aspiring champions get all three as standard, obviously the transition from aspirant to fully flegded lord messes with their brains....


Either that or kelly needs to be taught continuity! ;)

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I just love the fact our generic marines can figure out how to carry and use bp, ccw and a bolter, but our lords are too dumb to work out how to use a strap...

Given aspiring champions get all three as standard, obviously the transition from aspirant to fully flegded lord messes with their brains....

Either that or kelly needs to be taught continuity! msn-wink.gif

As a Lord of Chaos it opens up so many choices of strap to buy that they can never settle on one they really want.

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Pitching in to the lord on bike with brand discussion.


The entry for the artifacts say that "a model can replace one weapon", not his or anything like that. The bike is a part of the model, and the twin linked bolter qualifies as one weapon...

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