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Help needed against Tyranids


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I have a big game in a few days against Tyranids and I thought that maybe my fellow brethren could give some insights because I find my self struggling against them after the 6th.

The points limit would be 1750 and his list will include Swarmlord with guards, 3 tervigons, a genestealer brood, lots of termagaunts and hormagaunts and a trygon. Swarmlord and Tervigons will be getting biomancy.

What would you suggest I should bring?

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Unfortunately Storm ravens are not an option. I should've mentioned it but this is a no fliers game so...I need something to counter his Swarmlord and MCs. In our last game he made termagaunts faster than I could kill them. Somehow he couldn't roll doubles.
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I caught a local "net list player" with his pants down last month. I ran lots of jumpers. I had a 600 pts vanguard with 3 fist and 3 pw and 4 cannon fodder hammer into his precious MC's. It won't last long but I've considered multiple HQ/priests/ally HQ with fist joining a 10 man ras for meat shield. Run 3-5 "shield" squads and change it when it gets "worn down".


Mobile fun or brain fart?


Dante for hit and run. (expensive though)

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Why no fliers? Also manke it a Nno-MC game and take Mephiston.

As for that, Krak missile devs for the swarmy, take meph and use him as counterattack in your lines.

Because that's all the models he's got tongue.png

I'm considering the 4 ML Devs, though I don't know if I should take a 5 man unit or add some ablative wounds to it.

I would say 2 whirlwinds and a 4 ml dev squad. Dakka preds, etc.

Generally I'm not in favor of too many tanks (too scary IMO because of low body count) but I'm considering the Devs

I caught a local "net list player" with his pants down last month. I ran lots of jumpers. I had a 600 pts vanguard with 3 fist and 3 pw and 4 cannon fodder hammer into his precious MC's. It won't last long but I've considered multiple HQ/priests/ally HQ with fist joining a 10 man ras for meat shield. Run 3-5 "shield" squads and change it when it gets "worn down".

Mobile fun or brain fart?

Dante for hit and run. (expensive though)

Would 8 or 10 Assault termies with TDA SP do the trick instead of the VV? Or maybe Tac Termies?

About Dante, I don't know...it sounds risky against MCs. Even Mephiston couldn't make it in y last game against him due to the censored.gif Shadow in the Warp. It shuts Meph down like a 5th Ed Eldrad.

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OK guys, I prepared a 1750pts list and I'd like some feedback. once again keep in mind this 'll be a "no fliers" game.



- Dante



- Corbulo, TDA SP, JP SP

- 8 Assault Termies (5 TH SS)



- 10 ASM (PF, Fl, Melta)

- 10 Tac (PF, Melta, ML)

- 10 Tac (PF, Melta, ML)



- Baal (2HBs, AC, SB)



- 5 Devs (4ML)


The plan is to have Dante with ASM & JP SP, Corbulo with both the tacs and the Devs, and the TDA SP with Termies.

I still have no idea if I should hold back and DS Dante or the termies.


I can understand it's not the most competitive list, but I could go to a better one with your help. :)

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I played a similar game a little while back.  About 1750 points as well, and he had a similar list.

I went 1 libby, 4 full tac squads, 10 sniper scouts, 1 full stern guard no ups, 2 priests 1 corb, 2 ML dev squads, 1 LC dev squad. ( I think that was it?)


Everyone on foot.  I slayed, he gave up by turn 4. We no longer play anymore... since my death toll was maybe 5 marines total.


I have yet to win a game when I try to beat them in cc.

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It might be the overlooked choice, but whirlwinds would be a cheap unit to take out any hordes of ____guants. I would build the list pretty shooty - you will lose in an all out melee fight. 

Sternguard/ sniper scouts will be good against his Swarmlord. Librarian for HQ. Land Speders with 2 x HB might work. 


If you build a mobile shooting list, I think you will win - tyrnids seem to be pretty one dimensional right now.


As for you list:

I don't see the value in Dante - Another Baal and a Whirlwind would work much better.

I think your list has too much invested in CC units - I would trade out the termies for 10 x sternguard

I'm not really sure all those P Fists/ melta guns are necessary. If you get assault marines, I'd get 2 x flamers and tackle his light infantry.


Good luck!

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I played against a similar Tyranid list at 1850pts. He had Swarmlord, 2 Tervigon, 2 Trygon, Doom+Pod, 6 Hiveguard, 5 Raveners, misc Gants.


We played an Adepticon mission and I nearly tabled him--- Here was my list:


80: Dark Angel Librarian-- JumpPack, Axe

145: DA Tacticals-- 5man, Razorback TLLC

145: DA Tacticals-- 5man, Razorback TLLC

145: DA Tacticals-- 5man, Razorback TLLC

300: 5 DA Speeders-- 10 Heavy Bolters

150: 5 DA Devastators-- 4 LC

150: 5 DA Devastators-- 4 LC

130: 5 DA Devastators-- 4 ML

130: 5 BA Devastators-- 4 ML

250: Mephiston

225: BA Assault Squad-- 2 MG, Axe


With some tweaking you could even switch the list to BA primary with DA allied if you wanted. Rewritten as a BA list would be:


80: Dark Angel Librarian-- JumpPack, Axe

145: DA Tacticals-- 5man, Razorback TLLC

155: BA Assault Squad-- 5man, Razorback TLLC

155: BA Assault Squad-- 5man, Razorback TLLC

300: 5 DA Speeders-- 10 Heavy Bolters

150: 5 DA Devastators-- 4 LC

130: 5 BA Devastators-- 4 ML

130: 5 BA Devastators-- 4 ML

130: 5 BA Devastators-- 4 ML

250: Mephiston

225: BA Assault Squad-- 2 MG, Axe

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I think meph would be a better option at the helm.  


You're lacking a little bit of mobility in your scoring troops. You have loads of bodies, but those bodies dont do much for their cost.  

But, the terms should do all your heavy lifting though- so shouldnt be a huge problem. 

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Tbh 8 assault termies should at the very least stall the swarmlord. By all accounts they should murder his squad. Challenge the beast in the first turn (sacrifice the sargeant) whilst your squad murders his guards. Then the next turn beat him senseless with the nerf sticks thunder hammers :D

Sure hes nasty but IIRC it doesent dissallow an invul save, just a reroll.... right? ermm.gif Havent played that char yet and ages since ive read his rules so sorry if im mixing up things... If he does ignore invul saves though id stay well away from him. Hes a footslogger so use that to your advantage.

Failing that, feed him a unit of scouts or something. With nids high WS they get hit (and wounded) just as easily as assault marines and hit just as hard back. But therye ALOT cheaper teehee.gif and it might annoy him senseless if he stalls him long enough whistlingW.gif

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I played Belial with 8 THSS and 2 AC Terminators. Swarmlord got Iron Arm--- munched through all of them smiling and walked away with 3 wounds left. WS9 means hitting on 5s then if Iron Arm then wounding on 3-5. I was surprised to watch him in action, fairly horrifying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well guys, I finally won!

My list was:

Dante (warlord)

TDA Librarian with force staff (divinattion)

2 SPs both with power swords TDA and JP

8x Assault terminators (5THSS, 3TLC)

10xASM (PF,M,F)

10xTact (PF,M,ML)

10xTact (Axe,F,ML)

7xScouts (6Snipers,1ML)

and a Baal (TLAC, 2HBs, SB)

His list was:

Swarmlord + 2 Tyrant Guards (Biomancy, Telepathy) with -you guessed it- Iron Arm and the speedy one

2 Tervigons one of them had iron arm the other had FNP bubble

2 Trygons with toxin sacks

Lots of Termagants

Lots of Hormagaunts with toxin sacks

He also spawned durring the game no less than 70 termagaunts! His Tervigons have the bad habit of spawning more than 10 gaunts each per turn, without EVER feeling the need to stop!

Half the table was full of tyranids, I put my units on a cliff to the right of the table and shoot everything I got to them until they were too close.

The Assault termies with the TDA SP were in the middle waiting for the inevitable Swarmlord encounter,

Dante was waiting in the back with the JP SP and the ASMs, the Baal was covering my right flank and the Librarian was in between the tacticals and the scouts changing squads and buffing them with prescience or foreboding where necessary.

Long story short, the terminators assaulted Swarmlord and gang,

Dante with his squad went for gaunt sweeping duty, scouts baal and tacticals hit the big things.

Dante's presence was invaluable in my effort to kill the Swarmlord since he made him WS8 with one less W,I and attack.

My Assault Terminator Sarge held him in Challenge for 2 whole turns even wounding him twice!

He lost his remaining wounds (after winning the challenge) with the help of 3 more Hammerators. smile.png

In the end, me and my opponent both held one objective each, I contested his second one with Dante himself,

I got first blood, slay the warlord and he got line breaker.

Final result 5 - 4 my way! smile.png

Units still standing by the end of the game :

Dante with 6xASM & SP

Full Scout squad

TDA Librarian with one wound left

From the first Tactical squad survived the PF,M and ML

3 Hammerators, 2 L Claws and the TDA SP

His units still standing by the end of the game were:

Both the tervigons

One trygon locked in CC with the Librarian

10 Termagaunts on the far left of the board camping on an objective

and around 35 more on the center of the board.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the result and the fact that our beloved BAs showed to me that they still have some teeth.

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