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Other Entities to Deify


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The Warp is an entirely different universe, the negative to our own plane, so I doubt there is only the 4 Gods and their legions.


Is it possible for one of the non-affiliated entities to be the focus of patronage for a Chaos Renegades chapter or would the voices of gods prove too strong and alluring?


To me, it gets kinda old seeing the same ole four themes and it seems high time for the pantheon of gods to be... expanded if anything. If you get enough followers, your power grows in correlation. I'm reminded of this from the chaos marines "Sons of Malal" who supposedly follow a separate, lesser power within the warp called Malal.

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Ans'l, Mo'rcck and Phraz-Etar are minor Chaos deities. Chaos Space Marines were rumored to praise them by putting spikes on their Power Armour. Their names are puns on the last names of Bryan Ansell, Michael Moorcock, and Frank Frazetta, writers and artists whose work all contributed to the look and feel of theWarhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 universes. * wiki

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Current cannon has it that no unaligned powers exist; all perceived unaligned powers are in fact aligned to one of the gods. With that said, Malal is a very special case. GW doesn't know for certain if they have the rights to him, so the most the can do is make a few subtle references to him to appease the fans.


Still, Chaos Fluff is malleable. If you want your warband to worship a deity of your own creation, go right ahead. But i don't think any new Gods will be joining the main 4 anytime soon.

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Here's how it works according to Realm of Chaos :

There are tons of "Powers of Chaos" most are slumbering, far from consciousness because they are a weak echo of what's going on in the Materium (when the big 4 are increadibly powerful and sentient). Sometimes, it may even be for a short amount of time, one of the lesser Power of Chaos can become sentient.

So yeah, there is other Chaos gods. They are minor compared to the big 4, yet they exist. For example Malal/Malice.

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Ans'l, Mo'rcck and Phraz-Etar are  puns on the last names of Bryan Ansell, Michael Moorcock, and Frank Frazetta


Mind: Blown.


Every emotion that a human or other species undergoes, there is an echo in the warp where it coalesces, until it reaches critical mass. War, Atrophy, Change and Excess are the dominant ones, as they have been around for longer. Excess being the latest god to be born as we have more free time in our lives (eldar lives) to pursue hobbies and fancies.


Literally any emotion is reflected in the warp:


As we speak, Ow-Gnrrf, the god of self annoyance and mild anger encountered when you stub your toe on something is waiting, growing. It is foreseen that in 100 years from now, one million people will simultaneously sub their toes on robotic house vacuums in an event mentioned in hushed whispers as "The Stubbening". The yelps of pain will awaken Ow-Gnrrf in a cataclysmic event that will forever echo through time and space. Ow-Gnrrf, once he is, he shall always have been.

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Yes, the exist. Even in current lore. Two current examples are Yetsugei(from Blood Gorgons) and Malice(pretty obvious who he's supposed to be but his current incarnation is found in the short story The Labyrinth in the The Heroes of the Space Marines anthology). A third minor warp entity who isn't worshipped but is shown is one called "the Messenger", IIRC. That one is in The Rewards of Tolerance in the Victories of the Space Marines anthology. So yes, there are still "minor warp entities" that are not "wholly" aligned to the 4 major powers.


I believe they are somewhere between "god" and "daemon prince" but that's speculation based on the specific title they are given. It's a very unique and rare title and it has only been applied to these three beings, as far as I know. How much power they have is unknown and it is unknown if they are independent entities that merely draw from the same source of power or if it is something else. I.e. Yetsugei was also called the Trickster so it is possible that he draws power from the same place Tzeentch does but his portrayal showed him to be rather "content" with just have a few followers who would give him gifts from time to time instead of any long lasting ambitions, but he ran away from a greater daemon of Nurgle when it was summoned; Malice will most likely draw his power from his namesake(malice meaning "evil intent, desire to inflict harm, etc") which isn't too different from his original incarnation as Malal when he was the direct incarnation of the self-perpetuating nature of Chaos feeding off of Chaos only to create more Chaos, i.e. he just hurts everyone. So we can write him down as "violent intent", not too different from Khorne. But as far as we can tell, he is not "aligned" to Khorne, he just happens to come from the same spectrum of the Warp. Similar to how Kaela Mensha Khaine is not Khorne, but is very similar in nature.


We also know that unlike the actual Chaos Gods, the warp entities are able to manifest in the material realm. Although that might be due to the fact that they are "below" the gods. Yetsugei was able to forge himself a body but then again, he was usually contained within a warding circle and was summoned for divination, so a body wasn't really needed. Malice on the other hand needed eleven sacrifices, each one having traversed the Labyrinth and either killed the brothers they started out with, left them trapped in the maze to devolve into mutants or a little bit of both. Malice was also being summoned to lead the Sons of Malice to reclaim their homeworld so a physical sacrifice was probably needed so he could focus less on maintaining his physical shell and instead focus on the war effort.


They haven't been seen with any daemonic servants but that could be for any number of reasons from they are too weak to the just use the servants of other gods rather than fragment their own power.


So in a way, there are still "unaligned" daemonic entities as they do not seem to follow any one of the gods but they are not "undivided" as their power and nature does seem to resemble one or two of the Four Chaos Gods. So in theory, it is possible that there happens to be four main spectrums of the warp(hate, pleasure, despair and hope) and that while the Big Four are the most powerful of each spectrum, there are minor warp entities that are merely different shades of the same spectrum. For example, Hate is Red(the main color), Khorne is Crimson and Malal is burgandy.


I hope that isn't too random, I just sort of typed it as the thoughts formed in my head. Hope it is helpful.

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didn't the warp used to simply be the "spirit world"? I remember reading somewhere that the warp used to be a lovely place, some sort of elysium, that got f*cked over by the less friendly emotions of their material counterparts..

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IIRC Blood Gorgons had their own patron. My Skaven-based CSM had in the early stage of their fluff a Horned Rat (I will maybe return to that in the future).

So yes there are entities. And I love Frazetta's Death Dealers.

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didn't the warp used to simply be the "spirit world"? I remember reading somewhere that the warp used to be a lovely place, some sort of elysium, that got f*cked over by the less friendly emotions of their material counterparts..

Yeah, that's the whole "war in heaven" stuff. With the new races created by the Old Ones giving birth to predators in the Warp.

Realm of Chaos really focuses on Chaos' relation to Mankind. The

, the way they feed on humanity and how it shapes them and stuff.

The Chaos gods are potentialy without number. Most are just not powerful or sentient enough to have a meaningful impact at the scale of the Galaxy.

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