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Stroke of Inspiration, a gift from lord Tzeentch


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I have been hit by inspiration!


I have seen something awesome and entirely doable with the models provided!


Here's a very brief look at the information behind the warband... The Empyreal Host


Name: The Empyreal Host

Formerly: The Angels of Flame

Original Founding: 23rd

Excommunicated: 999.M41

Primogenitor: Fire Lords

Primarch: Rogal Dorn

Homeworld: Sacros Eterna (current status: corrupted)

Pantheon: Tzeentch

Current Leader: Sorcerer-lord Jathaak

Icon: Gold eye of chaos with bright blue iris

Colors: violet armor, gold accents

Image: http://bolterandchainsword.com/csm.php?bpe=4B0F4B&bpj=A0A0A5&bp=4B0F4B&bpc=4B0F4B&bpn=DCA53C&hdt=4B0F4B&hrn=1E1E1E&hdm=4B0F4B&hdl=4B0F4B&ey=0AB4F0&er=4B0F4B&pi=A0A0A5&nk=4B0F4B&ch=4B0F4B&abs=4B0F4B&bt=4B0F4B&btd=DCA53C&cod=4B0F4B&ull=4B0F4B&lll=4B0F4B&lft=4B0F4B&url=4B0F4B&lrl=4B0F4B&rft=4B0F4B&slt=DCA53C&sli=4B0F4B&srt=DCA53C&sri=4B0F4B&ula=4B0F4B&lel=4B0F4B&lla=4B0F4B&lh=4B0F4B&ura=4B0F4B&rel=4B0F4B&rla=4B0F4B&rh=4B0F4B&ri=A0A0A5&tr=DCA53C&bg=FFFFFF&rb=A0A0A5&gr=A0A0A5&grid=TRUE&


Very rough W.I.P. but I'm feeling better about this idea than any other before. The idea came to me while looking through Tzeentchian demons and Dark Vengeance conversions as well as examining how I want to play. Flame and Melta weapons, psychic powers, invulnerable saves, alliances with Tzeentch demons, and lots of moves to surprise my enemy. My Chaos Sorcerer will be based on the Dark Vengeance lord, converted with a staff and a robe around his legs, the horns supporting a crown of flame, Hellboy style, and majestically perched upon a disc of Tzeentch which will be converted from the Chariot of Tzeentch, using the flames and such to add detail to the base.... I'm getting giddy just thinking about it.

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Purple Imperial Fists successor?


Cool, but people are going to scream 'soul drinkers' if you're not careful.


-.- Well, I like violet and gold, and I couldn't think of anything else that jives with chaos that hasn't been done to death. red, black, blue, some green


I wish Soul Drinkers never existed... breaks lore and steals color schemes. >_<

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Anyway, I'm looking for feedback on what I have so far and some ideas from veteran sorcerers of Tzeentch on some things.


I've decided that I want to go with a "salamanders" style army consisting of a lot of flamers and meltas as long as it's tactically applicable, getting close up and vaporizing my foes. Lots of cultists to get in the way and such as well. I wanna keep some of the legacy of a Chapter but mixing it up with Chaos.


Of course I'm going to start off small, mainly using a couple cultist squads, a couple chaos marine squads (10-man) and a couple attack squads (5-man) with a Helbrute, 5-man chosen squad, and a nice unit of 5 Chaos Spawn. As per keeping with the theme, I'm gonna toss out Marks of Tzeentch and Icons of Flame.

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Icons of Flame are... not as brilliant as one would hope, sadly. Chaos Spawn are very Tzeentchy, though. :D


Hellbrutes... mmh, yes and no. I don't have time for them personally, they're too slow and vulnerable.


As a Sisters player, though, I can voice that flamers and meltas can make for a very viable army. :) You may want to look at Havocs in the Heavy Support slot - a five-man squad with four flamers and a combi-flamer (can you do this? Think you can) is very nasty, especially in a transport.

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I painted my chaos marines just like this. I didn't know what a soul drinker was until a few weeks ago I just liked the colors! I am not the best painter but I could post some pictures of my models if you want to see how they look. Finished a bunch of marines, dark vengeance lord a helbrute, heldrake, some bikers and a daemon prince. Let me know!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Chosen can do five flamers straight up, although I think they might need a 6th because of required champions and weapon restrictions. But that one can have a combi-flamer if you like.

But if you really want to spam flamers I would throw in some allied flamers of tzeentch, I used some reccently and was pleasantly surprised by their versatility, 2 wounds, templates, 5++* and even a decent cc statline. If you do grab any allies I would defintely throw some in.

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