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Grey Knights Melta Bombs

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Grey Knights codex. Page 90. Warrior Acolytes.


At the bottom, it says "May take Melta bombs" for 5 points per model. Can spend 10 points to put Melta bombs on just 2models, or do I HAVE to spend the 50 points to put them on all 10 guysin the squad?

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It's listed under "any acolyte may..."


It doesn't say "the entire unit may take melta bombs at..."


So they are purchased on a model by model basis.


You may therefore take as many or as few as you want.


- - - - - -


However - they should be represented on the model in some way as they aren't a squad-wide upgrade.  The old WYSIWYG rule may be absent from the 6th edition rulebook, but it is still good form to have models with different equipment modelled (or painted) distinctly so as to be identifiable on the tabletop.


If you intend to use plastic Cadians for example, you could use the grenade launcher backpack or give them a distinctly painted shoulder pad on your "demolition specialists", so as to mark them out from their non-melta bomb carrying comrades.

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Thanks for the rules help! I think they're properly represented, yes? You can see the two models with the big red demolition charges. They'll count as my melta bombs.


What do you think?



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Yep, It's gone.  GW have sort of included something similar in the "look to see how the model is armed" description of power weapons, however WYSIWYG the named rule isn't in the book anymore.


Still, it remains bad form to proxy models and not in some way identify models with different equipment inside squads.  As such things invariably result in cheating (either intentional or just as a result of confusion).


The old "Model #2 has weapon X" then a turn or two later "Actually model #6 has weapon X" (because model #2 is dead and the player doesn't want to have lost his precious weapon.)


I know at least 2 players that try this on a regular basis - and I refuse to play them any more on principle.

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