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today my Axelord killed....


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  • 2 weeks later...

well this xmas my axelord went quite well- game #1 vs templars (in termie guise) he slew 3 honour guard and put a wound on a TH chapter master with the shield eternal before being squashed.


Game #2 in juggerord guise he killed 3 gaunts and then in a challenge put 3 wounds on a tervigon which had 3 wounds left and almighty Khorne made him a daemon princ with a mighty roll of 6, 6! Well the game ended on my terms of course next turn, and Khârn also took place in that battle and killed the bloody doom of malantai, a good day for the honour of Khorne !

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JuggerAxelord VS DA and BA today.


Vs the DA, my Axelord killed 5 DW Knights and 5 DW Termies.


Vs BA killed 4 TH/SS termies.


In both cases, my opponents gets the first turn, advance their LR, at my turn i charge with the Mauler and explodes the LR, next turn my bikes and Lord who shows up to finish them.

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It sometimes happens.


Today Vs NIds, been a while that i played Nids.


Got the Hammer and Anvil deployement, Nids plays first, he destroy my Defiler with some lucky hiveguards shots( really din't think those where S8...).


First turn i send my Maulerfiend on the Hiveguards just in front of him( there where 2X3 Guards), kills one, because i lost a CCW weapon with a lucky Hiveguard Overwatch shot(again), i played the Mecatendrils, seeing that there where no vehicles.


Next turn Swarmlord+ Tyrant guards assault the Fiend, thinking that he will bust him on this turn, but because of the Mecatendrils when he tried to Smash, he had only 1 or 2 A(can't quit remember), and doesn't do anything, while my Fiend killed of the last Hiveguards.


On my second turn my Juggeraxelord+bikes charge in, he is eager to challenge me, but before that i rolled on the gift of mutation during my deployement, Multiple boons, 4 boons in total, Lifetaker(makes ID in melee), EW, +1T +1S...


So he hits me 3 times, i fail 2 saves, and then the surprise when he finaly understand that all the rolls i did before playing was the Boons, and that my Lord was EW, but, even though i got a 1 on the Dweapon dice, i still hit 3 times and wound 3 times.


"Sooo,..;do you have any invulnerable saves?..."


"okay then the Swarmlord just got his ass handed to him, you can take him off the table"

"...i hate you..."

*big grin on my face*"i know".


Lord then killed one Tervigon, and at that point there was 8 Gaunts, 1 Flying prince with 2W a Zoan and the second Tervigon still in CC with my immobilised Mauler.


He conceided the game, because he plays kinda fluff for a Nid, meaning that he always aims for a total annihilation, that is out the question at this stage of the game.


Still had my Lord with 2 bikes, 5 Zerkers with the relic and my 7 Chosens + Khârn.


I love when Khorne gives my Lord the right Boons Vs that kind of ennemy.


i also loved when his smart-ass mug changed expression when he got his Swarmlord handed to him, he was so confident that he would tear the whole army on his own...

I hate to be that guy but.....



Swarm lord has a 4++ in combat, not only that but he forces you to reroll your successful invul saves.


To be fair... If the guy doesn't know his own rules he doesn't deserve the save. It is possible that things might have turned out the same way anyway, and once the game has started to move on it is too late to go back and correct major errors.

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My AxeLord's Land Raider was destroyed by deepstriking Tacticals in Drop Pod just halfway through the centre. His whole Berserker retinues got wipedout by Grav-Centurions. Alone, he was then targeted by 8 Snipers and 2 Heavy Bolters and was left with just one wound. Though badly wounded, he assaulted the Tactical Squad, got through the overwatch fire, killed everyone and consolidated behind a wall, saved from the Snipers..


.. a Squadron of Typhoon flew into view from the left flank and.. you know :)

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My AxeLord's Land Raider was destroyed by deepstriking Tacticals in Drop Pod just halfway through the centre. His whole Berserker retinues got wipedout by Grav-Centurions. Alone, he was then targeted by 8 Snipers and 2 Heavy Bolters and was left with just one wound. Though badly wounded, he assaulted the Tactical Squad, got through the overwatch fire, killed everyone and consolidated behind a wall, saved from the Snipers..

.. a Squadron of Typhoon flew into view from the left flank and.. you know smile.png

ouch.... though i imagine (points depending) that much of the rest of your force was saved some abuse, and at least the tactical sqaud could be close to the investment of the lord (unless he was min squad size and reeeeely lucky)

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My AxeLord's Land Raider was destroyed by deepstriking Tacticals in Drop Pod just halfway through the centre. His whole Berserker retinues got wipedout by Grav-Centurions. Alone, he was then targeted by 8 Snipers and 2 Heavy Bolters and was left with just one wound. Though badly wounded, he assaulted the Tactical Squad, got through the overwatch fire, killed everyone and consolidated behind a wall, saved from the Snipers..

.. a Squadron of Typhoon flew into view from the left flank and.. you know smile.png

It's a true testament to the terror inspired by an axe lord when the enemy puts so much effort into taking them out. pirate.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...



First game with my 6th or CSM army list, the final list, the list I will die with....


Anyway, Jugger Lord, rolling out against Nids. 12+ Gaunts, 2 Warriors, and a Carnifex, before being splattered by the Carnifex's brood friend. :]

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i had my first tournament, and with that my first 5 games of 40k. As such, the first 2 games were not in my favour, with 2 relatively competive lists. After that it got more fun/casual though! I ran a very bad list, with way too few troops or models overall in 1500. But yeh, i had an axelord with gift and the usual stuff on juggernaut. He ran with 6 khorne bikers.


first game against Taudar, which tabled me in 3 turns. I had trouble keeping a lot out of los, and even thent he Riptide could still inflict quite some damage. Got tabled turn 3.

2nd game agaisnt guard vet plas spam and an allied shield eternal chapter master. He got very lucky with his orbital bombardment which obliterated my terminators. So all the plasma got on my bikers. Lord survived it with 1 wound. He then tried to charge, but got overwatched and failed his 4++. 


From here on it went better though. 


Game 3 was against a close combat ork army and i had loads of fun. Some highlights were puppetmaster on a battlewagon to then shoot a trukk with 4 big shootas which it exploded. Axelord slaughtering a power nob in challenge, after which they fled. I had to seperate him from the bikers to protect my cultists on an objective nearby. Otherwise the squad he now attacked would have gone for the cultists while the bikers and lord were stuck in combat with a different squad. After that he kept his orks far away from him. Was a win here. Good fun with loads of close combat.


Game 5 against space wolf. He had a skyclaw unit and a biker unit. Mission was the scouring. My terminators finished the skyclaws. My bikers and lord went for his, but his wolf scouts came on first behind my bikers. between his bikers and wolf scouts, and a pred somewhere, he managed to kill most bikers. Then his bikers finished off mine, after my champ won a challenge (finally won a challenge.. then he dies anyways /sadface). The lord however, cleaned up the wolf scouts and the bikers, and then the predator. he was tabled turn 4, after my helldrake and burning brand sorcy took care of his grey hutners. 


Game 6 was against white scars biker spam. He had 30 bikers divided over 6 squads, and a chapter master with burning blade, shield etc. His orbital bombardment didnt do much. Again my axelord was too scary for him, and so over 2 turns nearly his whole army (bar 2 squads) fired on my bikers + lord, with grav and finished them off. My lord failed a charge (again!) and got shot shortly after. Ended with a lose for me, but did kill 28 of his bikers :)


All in all good fun, but i really noticed how the helldrake is invaluable against ANYTHING. Even burning brand with only s4 is very very good. My axelord was more of a fire magnet then anything else.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Second game with my new Axe Lord (Lord, Jugger, Sigil, Axe, Meltabomb)


3 Terminators (Termicide)

Tzeentch Herald

7 Horrors


Fell in round 3 after charging a Defiler on Turn 5 for kicks.


Other then 1 round, every assault was 5+ extra attacks from the Axe.

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  • 4 weeks later...

my mighty converted juggerlord has finally seen some games this easter ! in game with nids, he hammered a wounded tervigon ( sadly I can't take it one on one). Furthermore, he beat up a hive tyrant slamming 3 wounds, and passing his invul on the one wound it scored (phew!) and then next round finishing it off but being himself smashed, but a grand gesture to Khorne! two MCs in one game not a bad skull count! and tomorrow a 3k battle coming up against codex marines !

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  • 4 weeks later...

well my juggerlord has had two good games recently...


Against 3k of Salamanders, he slew 3 sternguard turn 1 (drop podders)

and a few turns later had lethal combat but emerged victorious against a thunder hammer/shield eternal chapter master. Took him 3 turns of combat, but a definate victory, until a dreadnought stomped in and ID'ed him :(


Today, again against salamanders, he slew a librarian (scoring about 5-6 wounds IIRC), and then vulcan he'stan himself ! I had charged the previous turn, and I roll 4 wounds on the guy, but he fluffed his rolls and failed 3 out of 4 3++ saves. Ouch. AND it gave him eternal warrior !


Khârn fought in this second battle too, but only got 2 thunder hammer terminators.


Khorne ftw !

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  • 2 weeks later...

My axelord had a pretty good, but disappointing, game they other day. He killed two Librarians, a 3 Command Squad models, and two hammernators, but in doing so managed to roll two 1s for his weapon in a row. My opponent was also incredibly lucky with his hammernator saves, so three survived a combat that should have killed them, who proceeded to point him into the dirt.


Still, not bad for a 165pt model on a bike.

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  • 3 weeks later...

well he had a good day today atop his jugger, killing 2 thunderhammer termies, a thunderhammer sarge, and vulcan before finally bowing down to the sheer weight of the two 5 man assault termie squads and an unkillable chapter master. The juggerlord went pretty well, the other guy just hurled squad after squad at him as he just grinded them down !

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