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today my Axelord killed....


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Played first 7th ed game this friday.


Vs SW, Played my Juggerlord, but in the Crimson Slaugther version, Blade of the Relentless, Deamonheart and Prophet of the Voices, on a 8man Possesed squads MoK.


Got 3 turns of intense combat Vs 6 Thunderwolfs and Wolf Lord+ a Lone Wolf, grinded the Pack to the Lone Wolf with one wound and the Lord with one wound and 2 Thunderwolfs.


He got my Lord in the end, still too many attacks for stuff that arn't Khornate if you ask me..., Khârn and his Chosen then proceeded to end the Wolf lord and the remaining thunderwolfs lives.


I love when i get 5 a per dude with my Chosens, a shame really that you don't have a Berzerker Chosen unit..., 5A WS5, fearless and the options of Chosens..., man that would be hillarious.


Lost 4 to 5 on the end, still a good game, he got lucky shots in his first turn on my Defiler and Mauler, blowing them up, reducing quite significaly my Alpha strike potential.


Also played the mealstrom of War mission, got 2 really fluffy Objectives cards for me, Hunt the Sorceror and No Prisoners, got them both was worth it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

today my men had quite an outing, a 5000 point apoc battle.

The skull standings for my Khornate units are as follows.


Axelord-on jugger with usual bling and +1 strength from gift- hammered 8 tacticals and a librarian, and then an autocannon dread.

Khârn-2 assault terminators, last wound off Lysander.

Ann grath the unbound- 2x 10 man tactical squads, 5 terminators, and a Land Raider before finally succumbing to massed multi-metla fire.

Bloodthirster- 5 man command squad, Librarian.


Even typhus hacked down a 5 man terminator squad.


Oddly, the only failure of the day was Ab(Fail)addon, who managed to roll 3 ones out of 4 on Drachnyen, and we called the game before he coould finish of Vulkan he'stan.


A wipe out for chaos, only one tactical squad and vulkan were left standing at the end of the game !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yesterday  mr axey had a good outing. He was facing the boys in blue (ultramarines). He and his spawnput some forward pressure and munched marines as they climbed out of wrecked transports. The spwan never really got to do much. The lord killed 2 combat squads himself. Then chopped into Calgar doing 3 of his 4 wounds. He got punchi-sized in return but Khorne care not from whence the blood flows. Its all good though b/c The poster boy was later drown in a tide of khorne marine bodies (40 hatred swings will do that) Khorne was pleased that day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

yesterdaymy friendly jugger axelord had another apoc outing, hammering 10 tactical marines, 4 black templar bikes and a black templar biker captain before the game ended. He also had support from Abaddon in the form of preferred enemy -re-rolls of any 1 results, resulting in a large volume of wounds every turn.

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I love/hate the boon chart, every time (and i do mean every time) my lord hath ascended, he gets peppered with shooting. Naked DP's aint what they r cracked up to be.


"I have gained imortality!! wait...where is my axe....and sigil....and pistol....and my pet juggernaught.....and why is every enemy gun now pointed at me? Oh its b/c im 10 feet tall and standing in the middle of the field"

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Really? Hm we got mixed up he was a HQ in the last book. Better for me he can't challenge.


It was good I had already won, because as a DP he is kind of useless compared to his juggerlord guise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Axe Lord on Jugger with deamon heart and blade of the relentless.


13 kills


2 Sister Superiors

4 Sisters of Battle

3 Dominions

1 Ordo Malleus Inquisitor

3 Death Cult Assassins


Not even a scratch on him, a good amount of skulls for the throne today.

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