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Black Legion

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Some things work nice with the glossy coat though, like the "meaty" parts and the horns(makes them look like proper teeth, lol), but the armour...well let's just say it was good you talked him down to a semi-glossy surface.


Other than that, looking good! Got some more? :)

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I do have more but my camera is kaput right now have two terminator squads finished with magnetized arms and a 16 man tactical squad, again with the semi-glossy clear coat on them :(, but its a big job still have to paint; another squad of 15 tactical, 12 zerkers, Abaddon (going to convert slightly), one land raider, 5 raptors/warp talons (not sure which way those are going to go yet, open to suggestion), 6 chosen (Dark Vengeance), Chaos Lord (Dark Vengeance), 20 cultist (Dark Vengeance), and a helldrake that I have a couple conversion ideas for.

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