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Blood Guardians: Finally getting some light.

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Thin your paints.  You want them to be about the consistency of 2% milk in the pot/on the palette.  That should help a whole lot.


I'm especially curious as to why the black is so thick.  Did you do this over a non-black primer?  


The kitbashing is more or less fine, but I'm having a hard time drawing any exact theme from them aesthetically.  It's hard to go wrong with a black and red color scheme when doing a BA successor, so that's working fine.


Overall these look a lot like my earliest works.  Some things, like thinning your paint and choice of brushes, you'll learn from peers, while others, like brush control for those fine details and staying within the lines, will come in time with practice.


That's the best advice I can give you, I think- practice practice and more practice.

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Oh...that explains a whole lot. 


Priming is essential.  Required, practically.  You have to slap way too much paint on bare plastic (which is why there's so much globbing and thick brushstrokes on these) and it helps prevent scratches, too.  And considering that the most common priming is in black, and your paint scheme is primarily black...well, you're just punishing yourself by not priming.


You won't get a good paint job without priming, plain and simple.

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There's very little advice to give besides what Firepower has already said, but you might consider applying some wash on those. Devlan Mud is a miracle but other shades work pretty much as good. That would hide some of the little mistakes where you transition from one color to the other, like the trimmings on shoulder pads and kneepads. Also brings out the contours of the cloth pieces.


Do you happen to remember from what box does the helmet with "hoplite" crest come from? I really need one of those :D Your kitbashing and posing I like. Heroic and dynamic without going over the top.


The scheme doesn't seem too coherent, but it doesn't look bad. You might want to give everyone those red shoulder pads to make them seem more uniform.

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Yeah and the rest is actually cut off from a Dire Avengers helm. Simply yet quite effective conversion honestly. Ill keep in mind the priming for the next set of models Im getting ready to strip the paint off and remodel. Also, to help make the theme more clear, I need help with. See, I want it to be a Greek/Roman but also Knights at the same time. That is why I do not have a parent chapter for these guys or a theme.

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Hm well, Greek/Roman is a fairly narrow and focused theme (Ultramarines and Minotaurs are both good examples), where a "Knight" can go one of a hundred different directions depending on the cultural or time based influence- Dark Angels versus Black Templars, for example.  That's a problem, because without a focus you'll end up just randomly slapping things together into a motley mess.


Though right now I can't think up any coherent way to blend those two different ideas across a range of models.  They don't seem like ides that will blend easily .

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Yeah and the rest is actually cut off from a Dire Avengers helm. Simply yet quite effective conversion honestly.

Really? Truly impressive fit. I will have to try that sometime, if I ever get my hands on cheap pieces :D Thanks.


As for the theme, I've always wondered the lack of Roman influence on Ultramarines. They are stated to be the Romans in Space, but it is very rarely shown. Maybe you could pull that off better. For a suggestion, give your assault marines shortened chainswords and rectangular shields or something like that. (I don't actually remember if assaults can take shields though...)

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It would seem from your signature that you already have a theme in mind, that is, tracking down and destroying heretics. This cannot be said for all chapters (who often have other agendas), so if you were feeling adventurous, you could work some Chaos Marines into your models. For example, add a crushed Chaos Marine to your Furioso base (or claw, lol), maybe a disembodied Khorne berserker head here and there laugh.png.

I can only echo what people have already said re: painting. You mentioned the models have been stripped before - did you do it yourself? If I'm repeating stuff you already know, I apologise in advance. :-)

I often strip a model two or three times before I'm satisfied with my work (finding missed mould lines, dust in my basecoat, uneven paint). I use Fairy Power Spray (oven cleaner/degreaser, like Purple Power, sprayed right on the model and left in a glass jar) and a cheap, generic toothbrush. It will turn Citadel, Vallejo, etc. paints into mush after a few hours of exposure, without harming the plastic, metal or resin.

It all depends on whether you are happy with what you have, or at least that's my take.


I suggest you check out the Forge World Mk. IV helmet that has a crest (sideways across the helm). I have recently acquired one, and it is beautiful. Its from the Mk IV Company Command set (the standard bearer).

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@ P34ce: I use Simple Green to strip the pain off my models. Yeah it takes a little bit longer I presume than oven cleaner, but I am alot happier with the result of it. Plus, with this go round with painting, I personally like how they came out. Now I will take all the advice I was given and Ill use it for whenever I buy another set of models. I got an idea now for what you said about my theme. 

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You've done well, there's definite neatness to your paintwork, but to reiterate what Firepower said (because I don't believe it's possible to overstate it);

  • prime your models with a decent, fine, spray primer
  • thin your paints
  • no really, thin them
  • get some mid-priced natural hair brushes and look after them,
  • maybe reconsider you choice of purple as an "accent" colour, it gets a little lost between the black and red,

If you have a local store or club, find the best painter you can to sit down with you and go through some advice, a LOT of hobbyists will do it for free, and it will save you a fortune in time and models when you see the results you end up with from just an hour or two of tuition.



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Thank you everyone that has commented so far. i'll take the advice everyone has given me and apply it to my next set of models. For now, I have some more to show. The next five pictures are of my homemade command squad:

Standard Bearer Borgarian:


Apothecary Tygerion:


Company Champion Valtarius:


Veteran Sergeant Aquilance:


Veteran Sergeant Kaldorian:


Since the picture, Tygerion has had his left shoulder guard painted red.

More to come soon!

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Imma be honest here


As people said the painting needs work BUT! it'll come with practice. Did the same stuff you did, but honestly the more colors you gather and and the more time you put in the better you'll get I promise. Thin 'dem paints and use primer. You're getting it now you just need to take a few techniques and hone on them to make the rest of your guys look better. Layering, drybrushing, washes and highlighting are all important skills to learn but I suggest getting that marine three pack and practice on them. Keep trying until you feel real confident that you're making progress then go back and repaint some of your rank and file troops. Sounds harsh but trust me! Having those three sturdy guys that you can practice on over and over may save you some grief and give you a nice set to try new techniques on before you try on your captains or Sargents. Practice on your troops, show off on your big guys :D


But I gotta say I love your kit bashings. I really do. I wish I was that creative. Your Chapter master feels like a step up over the captain. All of the parts seem to flow well with each other. You do a great job on that. Keep model building and keep practicing painting cause it looks like it'll really take off when you can highlight some of those key elements 

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Next up is my sternguard squad:

Pointer Marine:


Walking Marine:


Combi Melta:


Bolter Marine:




Next is the Terminator Squad:

Terminator Sergeant, Full pic:


Terminator Sergeant, close up:


Heavy Flamer:


Assault Cannon:


Chain fist:


Cyclone Missile Launcher:


C&C is always welcomed. Questions are also welcomed. Enjoy!

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The truth is that the terminators are the oldest so far that I have painted time wise. Plus, they are one of the first couple sets of models I got when I first joined this hobby four years ago. Thanks for the comments everyone. I have finished my first tactical squad and have began work on the second. With the weather permitting, Ill try to get pics of them soon.

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I still like the design work on them! I like the lighting on Gideon's Sword a lot! is that just by eye or is there a secret to it? 

Oh and there is two red blotches on Sgt.'s Chest, just wanted to point that out. Now for your termy sgt. did the poor guy get his eyes ripped out? looks like he was in a fight with a weedwacker and lost! 

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