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Blood Guardians: Finally getting some light.

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Lol yeah about the Terminator srgt... I was trying to do red eyes and I didnt notice till afterwords he had the ripped out eyes look. Also the lighting on Gideon's power sword was me taking the Aldfur(or how ever it is spelled.) guard blue and painting it on wiggly. Also, for the sternguard srgt, I painted the red sploches their on purpose to be like blood splatter. Thanks for the comments so far.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was able to get some pictures of my Second Company, First Tactical Squad. Sorry for the quality of the light, had to take them at my work table as I haven't been able to get outside to properly photograph them.

Sergeant Dante Helltreader:


Second in Command Valdarin Hellstrider:


Missile Launcher with Auspex:


Missile Launcher:




One of Three Bolters:


Melta Gunner:


Plasma Gunner:


Two of Three Bolters:


Three of Three Bolters (With an Auspex):


C&C is always welcomed.

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How is it these things are all coming out hairy? That's been confusing me from the start, but I thought it was a fluke.

I have to be brutally honest (because I'm always brutally honest, and I'd hate to break my streak) but these guys aren't really showing any visible improvement. Now, it's not as though every new model should be leaps and bounds better than the last. Practice is key, and some skills will take years and a lot of disappointment to really get nailed down.

However, these guys can be greatly improved with some very, very simple extra steps. It still looks like you aren't priming, and that's major. Like, 99.999% essential. Mold lines abound. It takes extra time, but trimming those is another basic, simple step that helps majorly.

Although quantity is a quality all its own, I would recommend taking just a couple of marines, and really spoiling them with lots of attention. Take your time. Layer thinned paint rather than painting on one solid, thick coat. Practice brush control and try to paint the tidbits and details cleanly and completely, without going outside the lines- places like wreaths, skulls, crux, etc.. It will all take you a lot of time. The thing is, the more you do it, the faster you'll be able to do it, and eventually you'll be able to put out much higher quality models at a still very respectable speed.

Also, spend lots and lots and lots of time reading and watching tutorials here on the BnC, on youtube, and on other forums like dakkadakka and coolminiornot.

One thing that might be limiting you, based on what I'm seeing, is your equipment. It's worth the extra cash to get a decent range of brush sizes and quality. Read up on how to treat them with proper respect and care, and they'll last quite a while (if you don't they're a money pit). Have more than one shade of red, blue, green, brown, whatever. You can manage a lot by learning to mix paints, but you'll still need a decent range of basics to do it.

If you need them, get a magnifying glass stand or headset, so you can see what you are doing better.

On a modelling note, don't put Terminator arms on Power Armor models. It's...freaky.

Ask questions. Not just "C&C please," but things like "How do I do this?" or "I'm struggling with this, does anyone have advice on it?" It's a lot easier to help if you give us specific things to look at.

That's all I can really think to say on these. I don't think I'll be able to offer any more advice until you start working on new techniques.

As a repeat of the disclaimer(s), I don't say all this to be mean, or to crush your spirit, or discourage you. I do it out of a sincere desire to help you improve as a painter. smile.png

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I was actually hoping you would show up Firepower. I know it might look weird and freaky to have TDA arms on a Power Armored model, but to me the poses flow with them and it is kinda how I envisioned Dante and Valdarian. These models (Along with the next two tac sqauds.) Were already black base coated, so no change will be really seen on them till I start on a fresh, brand new set of models. Also, I am slowly but surely getting my paint collection up, as I can only buy two to three at a time, and most of the time it is to get replacement's on ones I am empty on. A question I have though is what can I use as a primer? Plus, your comments and advice is what has kept me painting and not just posting plastic, non-painted models.

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GW's cans of black spray primer work fine. Read a tutorial or two on priming before you try, so you know how to avoid messing it up (it's really very easy). You should be able to find one or two in the Painting Tutorials section here on the BnC.

If and when you find yourself improving enough to look sourly at your old models, stripping paint can be fairly easy as well. It should be even easier seeing as you don't even have a primer to cut through.

I still don't understand where all the damned hair is coming from. tongue.png

And I'm happy to know you aren't so thin skinned as to be discouraged by a stern critique. I've had some sad experiences in the past when I dissected the work of beginners so thoroughly.

I'll be happy to come back and disassemble problems when you move on to new techniques and such.

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Alright. Thank you Firepower for the advice. When I get ready to get some new models, Ill keep your advice in mind and move forward with it. Also, I recieved a pin drill to help drill out the holes for bolters and other weaponry, yet the largest drill bit I have doesnt really work for things like flamers and melta's. Any advice for solving this issue? Also, I would like to know as well why they are getting so hairy. I have no idea why they are.

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Drill a little ways into the flamer/melta.  Insert the tip of your exacto blade.  Gently rotate in a circle, hollowing out a cone.  This does not necessarily mean your knife should be pointing directly towards the gun barrel: you will have to angle it in a way that puts the blade tip in a good position.  Obvious, but worth pointing out anyway.


Start narrow, and delicately work your way out until you are satisfied with the width.

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As far as the hair, and other issues, would it be possible to see some wider pictures of your paint station, brushes, paints etc? If some of the veteran painters could see what you were using and where, some of these things might be easier to troubleshoot.


On the subject of your conversions, terminator arms in certain cases (IE lightning claws) can be used with regular power armor, but they will look like apes without a lot of trimming and shortening in the shoulder area, underneath the shoulder pad.


Also, and this is just my opinion and preference, but it's best to nail down your theme, and start swapping bits that really support what you're going for. Otherwise, you will wind up with Ultra-Bloody-Dark-Angel-Knight-Templars, with chapter and codex signature bits from all over creation. I cant remember who posted them on DakkaDakka, but I /facepalmed when I saw Ultramarines in Grey Knights Aegis armor with Sanguinary guard wings and jump packs. Even though they were expertly painted, the overall impression was that the painter didnt know what he wanted, and was bashing codexes in addition to bashing kits.

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