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Inquisitor Castlegar (Terminator Armoured Inquisitor)


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Ok, so its my first compeleted Board relevant model in a very long time and my first B&C post in almost as long but I though it was about time i came home.


With this model i said to myself i wouldnt post this yet as the competition is still going on over at the blog but i thought to myself no, its a nice model and I enjoyed making it.


So my most recent completed model was Inquisitor Castlegar, sometimes leader of the 1313th.


Firstly apologies for the bad flash picture at the end but thought it worth it to try and show more detail to the model. I quite enjoyed working on this model, as this was the first time i have used the new paints and i must say lahmian medium is my new best friend! The changes themselves were simple enough, with the hand and headswaps, getting the brass etch places proved tricky as it kept dropping off but all said and done it looks great and is a nice solid inquisitor to lead my future armies.


first up here is a picture of the model parts and a parts list:


parts used are:
commander culln body and arms,
new FW Abaddon storm bolter,
GK head,
GK force staff,
GK pads,
brass etch


Overall i am happy with the results and the normal caveat of it looks better in real life applies:


So that is my most recent completed model for the force.
Currently he is entered in the competition on my blog, which was to model and paint a legal character in Terminator armour. details and voting info can be found here:

please feel free to let me know what you thing of the Inquisitor and please vote :)

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Good looking model mate


It doesn't really scream Inquisition to me though, it looks more like a librarian in termi armour, (fluff-wise, can inquisitors use termi armour? I always thought they could use human sized power armour but their weren't any termi suits made for humans)


Either way its a cool looking model with a solid paint job, good work :)

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hi there

thanks for the feedback, yep in the GK codex there is the entry for =I= in terminator armour so thats what this was based off :) just curious as to what makes you think librarian rather than inquisitor? just curious given all the =I= icons etc, any feedback would be great

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Ah right! I'm not too familiar with the GK codex.


To be honest it's mainly because of how I picture inquisitors in my mind. To me they always look so different to everything else out there, all with their own unique styles that make them instantly stand out. Plus all their weird and wonderful wargear sets them apart (if I remember correctly the inquisitor in one of the Caiphus Cain novels lays into some genestealers wearing golden gilded power armour with dual wrist mounted flamers)


Don't think I'm saying your model is "wrong", it's all to do with how you pictured the character in your mind, and if the model above turned out how you pictured him then by all means it's bang on

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ah right, as hes accompanyiing IG i thought it would stand out :) i get what you mean and think now. Tbf hes one of the first models i will be doing for my various =I= bits. cheers for the feedback.


I did get a great one on another forum "thats not a good model, its not an inqusitor, they are red and black, this is just some random space marine your sticking on the table, hardly worth posting" nice to know people like to imagine differnt things :)

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Speaking on the fluff at least, in Treacheries of the Space Marines, an inquisitor uses terminator armour during his efforts to try and track down an Alpha Legion warband leader.


He fails, naturally, but don't let his example lead your inquisitor into darkness and defeat :D


My two cents about the figure is that he doesn't have enough I=II=I's on him. It would add to the character a bit IMHO. But its your model, so feel free to tell me to go jump in a moat. Or, in this case, order your IG minions to throw dig a moat and then throw me into it :D

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I did get a great one on another forum "thats not a good model, its not an inqusitor, they are red and black, this is just some random space marine your sticking on the table, hardly worth posting" nice to know people like to imagine differnt things smile.png

Lol, I don't think a comment like that would stand well here, I definitely wouldn't let it slide anyway.

While their insignia is often red and black, I'd hardly say that's their dedicated colours.

If the big fella is accompanying guard rather than GKs I think he'd look pretty cool in amongst them, he'll definitely stand out rather than getting lost in an army of grey terminators lol

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thanks guys, it does make me consider a few more details to him, i have a few servo skulls to add to the base as well.


glad though the model its self isnt horrendous and seems reasonable :D


thanks guys for some nice honest feedback :)

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Personally, I love the white but I would make all the blue parts a deep red with lighter highlights. As Mahoo stated above, Inquisitors often have some sort of red on their person. The blue overpowers the =I= insignias you have put on and makes me think more of the blue of a codex-compliant librarian. That being said, the paintjob look quite clean and you picked a great assortment of bits!

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thanks for the feedback guys, the Inquisition are known for all sorts of colours outside of GWs favourite red and black. thats something i have tried to capture with this guy and all my Inquisition models. One of the main driving factors behind that was i want them to be different from all other warbands, but most importantly as one of my main opponents fields a red army and my early development marines are red i need something to stand out and not blend in. I appreciate the feedback on the use of blue over red all the same though i just personally dont want another red inquisitor :D

cheers folks

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Might I suggest, however, that should you make a warband up for him (I always recommend Jokaero, by the way) then you should limit the palette you use on them to the same colours that you used on Mr Castlegar: it makes for a nice unified look, and will help it all to look fantastic 

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have already started on that :D here is his interrgator Ratner (apologies on the poor pic quality)





the blue doesnt look quite as dark in the normal light. taking pics of minis is something i need to improve on

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Interrogator looks good!


I'll be honest I was disappointed when I realised that it wasn't a katana he was holding.


Which leads to my question, what is it he's holding? lol


He looks pretty good, some better lighting for pictures would be ideal but you already know that.


What else are you planning on adding to the warband?


Some of the models featured in the "Blanchitsu" section in White Dwarf would be good for some inspiration (if you need it that is!).

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hi mahoo,

the thing is a force rod, i use him as a psyker for my ig army so just count it as his basic war gear.


the only other things planned at the mo are 2 warriors (i love their sheilds) and a chimera, though to be honest have no idea as to what makes a competative warband. Im also open on suggestions for vehicles - can you tell i love getting random crap from FW :)




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I like the interrogator a lot! good job on him. I think I can echo that the inquisitor doesn't scream inquisitor to me. As was stated what comes to my mind is just diffrent then what comes to yours and thats perfectly okay! it's what makes the hobby fun. See new interpretations of things we only see one way. That said I think if you really pick out those inquisitorial symbols and make them pop I'd see it better. Perhaps...well lets stay away from red and black. Gold? Maybe a nice gold would make it pop and strike fear into the heretics.


You know...if a giant angry termy wearing Inqr doesn't do it first.  

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to be honest have no idea as to what makes a competative warband.

Jokaero, jokaero, jokaero, jokaero, jokaero :D


Seriously, a good buff to your own unit, multiple heavy weapon choices and rerolls to hit in combat ( okay, they're not great in combat, but are abut he same as your average IG.


As for others, it'd be difficult to advise without knowin how you play, or if there is any sort ofarchetype (shoots, fighty, psychic...er...y etc.) that you want to fulfill

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