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New to Blood Angels...


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Hi everyone.. I am a newcomer to Blood Angels and looking for a little help.


My first couple of games have been based around Dante and his sanguinary guard. I have used death company who I am a big fan of and also tested out the furioso dreadnought... I am a big fan of assaulting and having as many attacks as possible. This worked well in my first game but in my second my whole army (and its allied Space Wolves) got destroyed by necrons, partly due to terrible rolling.


So I am looking for some help to ensure my list can survive whilst still remaining fun. Unfortunately my favourite units in terms of fluff and models (sanguinary guard and death company) are on the expensive side points wise, and dante is essential if bringing the former. What could be a compromise to keep one or even both, whilst still fielding a list that is reasonably competitive?


Thanks in advance everyone ^.^

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If you like death company, I would take a land raider or stormraven. Assault vehicles are a key part of getting them into combat. Usually I only take SG if I take dante. So I would leave those. The key part is scoring units. Tac squads in Rhinos seem to work well for me.

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So I am looking for some help to ensure my list can survive whilst still remaining fun. 


Transports are one option, but never forget that for the price of a land raider, you can take another Sanguinary guard squad, or large death company.


Priests are always good to have in an army, if you can put them with the right units - SG are a prime option.


I frequently run both SG and jump pack DC in games, usually 2000pts, I choose one or the other at 1500.


The rest of the army is 2 tactical squads, dev squad, assault marines, 2x2 attack bikes, mephiston, so a decent amount of shooting.


In my opinion, to be successful in combat, you need to have multiple combat threats, and the firepower to soften up targets for them.


My SG go for expensive power armour, like command squads, veterarn squads etc. Assault marines go for anything weaker than them, DC kill whatever is in their way.


Having an 'alpha strike' unit is something my army lacks. Some death dealing unit in a drop pod that ruins your opponents plans.


Common options are a Furioso in a pod with heavy flamer and frag cannon, with or without the magna grapple. That will put a lot of hurt on one opposing unit. Otherwise, 10Death Co, 10 bolters 2 fists, drop pod. Also painful, and your opponent *has* to kill them all after they land, taking the firepower away from the rest of your army.

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One thing I would add is to avoid at all costs putting SP into your SG, w/out any additional character. SG doesnt have sarges so once in CC, and they want to be in CC, your priest will die to being challanged....Therefore either add a character (Dante etc) or put them to normal ASM squads with naked sarges at least while still 6" close to SG.

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Sanguinary Priests are your friend. Buff your untis combat skills while giving them effectively another (admittedly worse) armour save.


I field assault squads in drop pods backed up by jump pack DC and drop pod DC dreadnought. You need to be careful where you drop stuff down (don't want it all to die by being shot to mega-death) but it can cripple an opponents army damn quick if used properly.


Jump Pack death company are damned hard to use, I find. They are so expensive that each and every wound that gets through hurts like hell. However, when they get through (I field mine with lemartes in there), then they can chew their way through pretty much anything short of terminators.

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I love my sanguinary priests. But one downside is that if you take transports, say rhinos, you can only take 9 marines. Meaning tac squads cant take plasma/melta and assault squads can only take one instead of two. Personally, I like taking them in assault bike squads. Having T5 FNP bikers is nasty.

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