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Abbadon making Terminators Troops


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I really feel as if this would be a very usable concept in house games, but I am unsure whether there should be a restriction on the amount that can be taken, or some other penalty. Any thoughts?

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Would have been fine. Abaddon himself is enough of a tax, and our terminators aren't exactly the top end of terminators out there. They wouldn't even be the top end of terminator troops available in the game.


Abaddon should have made terminators troops from the get go, and unmarked lords should have made chosen troops. Oh, well. Better luck next time, maybe.

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I was really expecting the new codex to allow this too, very disappointed when it didn't as I liked the idea of making a dark "mirror" of my Deathwing. I've still done something similar, using the same concept as my Deathwing - Abaddon, Sorcerer, two squads of Chosen and two Land Raiders (I like land raiders) and then a load of terminators. The game plan is for the Chosen and the Sorcerer to start in the LRs and Abbadon to DS in with a load of termies.


Loses out compared to DW, as no DWA and Chaos LR being rubbish - especially next to my DW "Venerable" Land Raiders - and of course the real killer is a lack of scoring troops - don't know how well it will work (I've yet to actually use it in a game yet) but it's definately not an army to take to a tournement... I think it looks pretty cool though.

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Another -1 to our codex. I used to think that our terminators were too good to be taken as troops, but then I realized that it is not the case. They have no access to storm shields or missile launchers, and they do not have atsknf. And other than deep striking, they have no good way of getting where they need to go. Also their best weapons are one-use combi-weapons. I would love to make and Abaddon-wing list, and it would be more fun than competitive anyway.
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not fearless, no atsknf, no missile launchers, assault cannons, or storm shields. marks don't make up the difference on any of that, and we don't even have homing beacons to make deep strike a reliable option for their points cost. About the only thing chaos terminators have that might be questionable in a troop terminator unit is minimum size 3, and Abby could just as easily have made terminator units of 'at least five models' troops if anyone was worried about that.
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I was hoping to make four squads of terminators troops, each one with its own Mark of Chaos and upgrades fitting for them. Slaanesh and Khorne would be my melee units while Nurgle and Tzeentch my ranged squads. I had all the plan to follow it trough but sadly GW decided that Abby is too much of a boss and they deleted the idea of chaos terminators as troops. Too bad, it would make for an affordable and fun army.

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