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Nurgle Lord loadout list

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So, I am not interested in running a bike lord whatsoever, I have a thunderlord already for that play style.


I have a few ideas on how I would run a Nurgle Lord, but would love to hear what those of you with more experience than myself.


My cheap and cheerful (pustule?) version would have a Power Axe, Plasma Pistol, Mark of Nurgle, and Sigil of Corruption. This way he can unlock plague marines as troops. I've always had a soft spot for plasma, and 6th makes it a very playable gun. Power axe for sheer looks.


How do you run your footslogging Nurgle lords?


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I'd be tempted to give him terminator armor.

2+/5++ on a T5 unit is quite durable. Add in fist and claw for weapon loadout and blight grenades and you are set.

My Nurgle lord is like this: MoN, Terminator Armor, LC, PF, Blight Grenades. He footslogs with a unit of plague marines in what I like to call my "Tarhammer". Either they smash through whatever they come in contact with (PM Asp. Champ has meltabombs) or they bog down their target the rest of the game. Being able to choose the Lightning Claw or Powerfist each turn gives the Lord a great deal of flexibility.

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My nurgle lord has Black mace, terminator armour (+free power axe), sigil, blight grenades and melta bombs. I realise that with the sigil I'm effectively paying 40 points for a 2+ save but I love my model so hey :D

I've also toyed with a cheaper nurgle lord to unlock plague marines for my iron warriors army. Nurgle lord, terminator armour, power axe, combi plasma and blight grenades (using a deathshroud model with a combi plasma added, I shall paint him up as an Iron warrior but say its the older mark of armour + his bionics that give him the toughness 5 :D ).

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I'd be tempted to give him terminator armor.

2+/5++ on a T5 unit is quite durable. Add in fist and claw for weapon loadout and blight grenades and you are set.

My Nurgle lord is like this: MoN, Terminator Armor, LC, PF, Blight Grenades. He footslogs with a unit of plague marines in what I like to call my "Tarhammer". Either they smash through whatever they come in contact with (PM Asp. Champ has meltabombs) or they bog down their target the rest of the game. Being able to choose the Lightning Claw or Powerfist each turn gives the Lord a great deal of flexibility.

I like it.

Could do something similar with a horde of Cultists.

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I'd be tempted to give him terminator armor.

2+/5++ on a T5 unit is quite durable. Add in fist and claw for weapon loadout and blight grenades and you are set.

My Nurgle lord is like this: MoN, Terminator Armor, LC, PF, Blight Grenades. He footslogs with a unit of plague marines in what I like to call my "Tarhammer". Either they smash through whatever they come in contact with (PM Asp. Champ has meltabombs) or they bog down their target the rest of the game. Being able to choose the Lightning Claw or Powerfist each turn gives the Lord a great deal of flexibility.

I like it.

Could do something similar with a horde of Cultists.

Oh yeah, nothing says "you aren't going anywhere" like 35 Look out, Sir! rolls :)


I have about 80 or so cultists on sprue, and I hope to make a bunch of them part of my second ETL2 vow.

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Hey guys, thanks for all of the reply's! I am toying with two lists, one being more of a mech list with PM's in Rhinos with a Sorcerer a Helldrake as a base. For this I want a cheap Lord to open the PM as troops ability. The other list is a fairly typical Typhus Zombie blob list with 2 Helldrakes and daemon allies for  a DP and a squad of Plague Drones. Because those models are :cussing sweet!


I am wanting to run a power armor lord, so he can fit into a rhino with his squad of plague marines.


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Well, minimum lord required is 80 points for just unlocking, though you should at least shell out 30 points for a power weapon and 5++.

burning brand is a good idea if you can spare the points. And blight grenades are useful if you include any infantry that aren't plagues if your lord is likely to join them.

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I'm not following you Nurglez... Bare bones PA Lord with a power weapon and Aura of Dark Glory is 95. Maybe you're still hung up on those damn terminators!! ;)

You know, I used to troll around the Space Wolves forums under a different moniker...


I'm going to post my two list now, please give my the dark knowledge I need to appease Big Pappa Nurgle!


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I meant to unlock plague marines, thus needing the mark of nurgle. And terminator armour is 40 points for a lord (cheaper for a sorcerer as you don't get a "free" power weapon with it.


I should have recognized end of line... Come to join papa nurgle eh? We have cookies! (but I wouldn't eat them if I were you).

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@Nurglez- I sure did! I still play my wolves, don't tell anyone though...


I am still toying around with lists at the moment. I picked up the fantasy nurgle lord on mount last night, its a beautiful model indeed. And by beautiful, I mean puss filled. I am going to convert it to the palanquin lord, convert a PA lord as well, and add a daemon prince to the mix as well. I'll run it as ol' Dirty Bastard himself, or just a flying Prince (magnetizing the wings of course...


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Only issue with the palanquin is that you cannot be transported in rhinos, needing a landraider if you want to move faster then foot slogging, and if you are going to need a landraider, why not go for terminator armour instead!


I can see a palanquin being a good choice for a sorcerer, although I prefer to keep the sorcerer unmarked so he can choose 3 rolls on the telepathy table instead.


The plastic fantasy nurgle lord is an awesome figure too, not really armoured enough for 40k but rule of cool works here :D

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  • 1 month later...
I almost always run a MoN Lord with a Black Mace, Aura of Dark Glory, and a Jump Pack. The last few games I've put him just behind a Helbrute to stomp across the field. My opponents usually either forget he's there at all or at least forget he has a jump pack, and then as soon as he's close enough he can leap the mighty 12", charge in (re-rolling in necessary) and wreak some serious havoc. Naturally this is hardly a competitive way to run your Lord, but it's won my army it's fair share of casual games.
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Lord, MoN, PF, LC, Jump pack. He packs a punch and cab move around to help units that need it. but im strange and also tote around 7 to 10 MoN Warp Talons for him to hang out with. this is a super expensive blender that has taken on and beaten almost anything I that I throw it at including units of terminators (not the shield toting kinds mind you, I just avoid them buggers)

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