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ok so i have gathered my forces

and got myself a few boxes of ;


2x death comp

1x sang guard

1x scouts with sniper rifles

2x DV terminators

and had a few left overs from the past ( some 6x sm body's)


so for hq i've got


a. reclusiarch with pf (maybe jetpack)

b. libby (jp?)


a unit of sternguard vets is a must have...


so for an hq option i thought maybe build this guy..




as for the rest i do not know how to go FT , is seth worth it?

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A FT chapter without Seth? Heresy! furious.gif

Joking aside that does look an awesome model :) if you got a unit for him to "ride shotgun in" id make a captain with 2 PF's in termi armour (is it an option though? dont got my codex nearby dry.png )

At the very least something that your opponent doesent want to lose a challenge to :D

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i've been trying to figure out how to include amit too, but haven't come up with a good list for him yet. plus, our codex doesnt have a lot of options for captains and no termy characters to count as. might need to have him be an allied counts as from space wolves or dark angels
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Boomkapow, on 02 Jul 2013 - 07:31, said:

You can, it's pricey though. But for S8 and 4 attacks....

You can't because you may not replace the storm bolter with a power fist. You could however go Lightning Claw and Power (Chain) Fist. There you get 4 attacks either with S8 (and armourbane) or S4 and shred
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Boomkapow, on 02 Jul 2013 - 07:31, said:

You can, it's pricey though. But for S8 and 4 attacks....

You can't because you may not replace the storm bolter with a power fist. You could however go Lightning Claw and Power (Chain) Fist. There you get 4 attacks either with S8 (and armourbane) or S4 and shred

i think a wolf lord w/ saga of the bear would be a good stand in for this armament. plus then youd be able to use grey hunters as troops wich have more cc ability then our tacts do so it seems more flesh tearish

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I have a captain in Terminator armor with dual thunderhammers that I play for fun. That's a good 5 attacks on the charge, and let the SGT take the challenge. Then that's enough S8 AP2 to wipe a squad. Great out of a landraider, or tanking wounds with a 2+/4+ due to halo.

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I have a captain in Terminator armor with dual thunderhammers that I play for fun. That's a good 5 attacks on the charge, and let the SGT take the challenge. Then that's enough S8 AP2 to wipe a squad. Great out of a landraider, or tanking wounds with a 2+/4+ due to halo.

I have one like this too...great thing to model ! But LC/CHF(PF) might be even better that way you can use both I while not loosing attacks (both special weaps).

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I have a captain in Terminator armor with dual thunderhammers that I play for fun. That's a good 5 attacks on the charge, and let the SGT take the challenge. Then that's enough S8 AP2 to wipe a squad. Great out of a landraider, or tanking wounds with a 2+/4+ due to halo.

I have one like this too...great thing to model ! But LC/CHF(PF) might be even better that way you can use both I while not loosing attacks (both special weaps).


Hold your horses! Are you saying that if I arm my captain (or any dude) with a lightning claw and power fist I can get the extra attack for two close combat weapons??? And would that effectively mean that I can choose between having a pair of lightning claws or a pair of power fists in a round of combat? If that is the case, this is definitely on my list of things to build! 

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BloodTzar, on 04 Jul 2013 - 12:54, said:

Its not a "pair" (no rerolls for LC) but both are "specialist" weaps so you get that extra +1A and you are able to choose which weapon you use. Making captain very flexible with his tanking abilities smile.png

You don't need a pair for the reroll from Shred. Even a single Lightning Claw gets Shred (WH40K 6th Ed. p. 41 & 60)

It's the Blood Talons that need to be used in pairs to get an extra attack for each wound. You get Shred even for a single Blood Talon.

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Awesome! I realize know that the question about having a pair was a bit strange, but it's awesome that you get the extra attack. I am adding this captain to my list of things to do! And I think, as you already has mentioned, that that kind of captain would make a good stand in for Amit. 

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Ok, specialist weapon means that you do not get +1A for an additional CCW unless the other CCW also has the Specialist weapon rule. All three (LC, PF, CF) have the Specialist weapon rule. So any combination of the three will gain you +1A. I'm not sure at the moment whether you can choose which weapon you use for each attack or if that choice is fixed for the whole turn. I think it is the latter.


Shred only applies to the weapon that has the rule. It grants a reroll for each failed To-wound rolls.

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