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Hello B&C Community,


       I keep being told that Terminators are awesome in 6th. So why is it that I rarely see them in Blood Angels lists. How many of you use them frequently and how. Thanks,






honestly, they are what you make of them, they've never failed me. I most recently ran them against my friends nids and they were the sledge hammer that broke their assault, i ran 6 assault termies with a epistolary term librarian and term sang priest in a crusader. He tried tossing everything he had against them but they were just too much.

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Hello B&C Community,


       I keep being told that Terminators are awesome in 6th. So why is it that I rarely see them in Blood Angels lists. How many of you use them frequently and how. Thanks,






honestly, they are what you make of them, they've never failed me. I most recently ran them against my friends nids and they were the sledge hammer that broke their assault, i ran 6 assault termies with a epistolary term librarian and term sang priest in a crusader. He tried tossing everything he had against them but they were just too much.

rolf, endless tide of free gaunts will stomp them

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Terminators are incredibly resiliant (well can be anyway...) with 2+ saves and an invul save. Toss a priest in there for FnP (or have one nearby from another source) and you will have a squad that is hard to get rid off for your opponents :)


The problem is two field in my opinion though... Like others said they take up an elite slot, which we realisticly only have 3 of. Im personally a big fan of priests so id only have 2 elite slots left.


The 2nd problem however is locomotion. Most blood angel armies are fast mobile armies that can out manoeuvre(sp) an opponent. Termies dont have that. They can deepstrike or take a ride but theyre still at the end of the day going to have to rely on footslogging to reach an opponent. Buying them a land raider (or storm raven) transport is expensive and unless you play in big 2000+ games not recommended either for the "to many eggs in 1 basket" reason...


Small 5 man squads are just that as well. 5 man in size. Theyre effectiveness declines to rapidly to be usefull and you can nearly buy an outfitted assault squad for the same cost. We also got sanguinary guard which cost the same but have the mobility that terminators lack and they have the same save...


So yea...lots of things working against termies

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For 230pts, I can get 5 wounds with a heavy weapon and 2+ armor, or 10 wounds with a pair of meltaguns, and jump packs.  That score. 


I have yet to find a time when having mobile scoring with double the wounds beat having 2+ saves.  I even tried running the assault terminators, and you know what the worst part was?  Reserve rolls.  Descent of Angels gives us a re-roll for jump packs, everything else gets to fail like normal. 


Plus the fact that those 10 bodies can become 2 5-man units at will.  And rolling a 1 for that armor save kills a Terminator as readily as regular marine.

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I really love terms, but struggle to work them in.  I think shooty terms are pretty cool too - possibly even better now with the fact theyre on from turn one. But so, so pricey.  


Dem really hit all the points of concern for me.  Id wanna go between 6-8 in a squad but so pricey ><; 

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If you really want terminators, I think Blood Angels might just be the worst book to run them out of, too. Both Dark Angels and Space Wolves can guarantee a first turn deep strike, and vanilla marines can include a Gate librarian to move them quickly around the field. DA and SW may cost more, but all three of those codexes hit so much sooner that I suspect it's worth it (or MORE worth it that it is for us).

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People always forget about GKTs....


Seriously guys, not only are they the only scoring terminators we can get with BA as primary but they are also arguably  the best tactical terminators in the game with a dirt cheap mandatory HQ in case you want to keep the points down.


Unless you absolutely want podded termies they are simply amazing compared to the competition. 

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You're right; I ALWAYS forget Grey Knights. Haha.


Honestly, I know what Paladins can do, but I don't really know what abilities and how much cost regular GK Termies have. I do know they can't take storm shields, though, which seems like a pretty big deal.

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You're right; I ALWAYS forget Grey Knights. Haha.


Honestly, I know what Paladins can do, but I don't really know what abilities and how much cost regular GK Termies have. I do know they can't take storm shields, though, which seems like a pretty big deal.


For the same cost as BA tactical terminators you get an extremely flexible CC loadout, scoring, grenades, psycannons (which are cheaper and just plain better than assault cannons) a bunch of tasty upgrades and a token psychic power. 


The mandatory inquisitor HQ starts at 25 frickin points. Go hog wild and spend a 100 pts and you get a ML1 div psyker, terminator armor on a 3 wound character and another daemonhammer and psycannon with twinlinked precision strikes/shots. Servoskulls cost next to nothing and are great.   

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Thanks for the replies everybody. Love the idea of the inquisitor and GK termies. I played my buddies 18 model Paladin list the other day and it was harsh. Wouldn't mind having them on my side. Thinking about modeling some Deathwatch termies as "counts as" Grey knights. What do you think?

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Drop pods and tactical marines can also carry locator beacons and teleport homers respectively.  As can scouts.


its relatively easy to get a unit down where you want it on deep strike, the question is whether its even worth it.


GK Terms with a psyker inquisitor (aka Prescience bot) provide one nasty block of shooting.  But it runs around 300+pts with decent guns and has a 24" max range.  If the rest of your army doesn't support that fire base, then its not going to do a lot for you.


That said, the look on someone's face when you plop down an Aegis and 10 GKT with a Prescience Inquisitor and Quad gun is kinda hilarious.  Just a step or two away from actually smacking them in the head with a brick.

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I love BA termies, I know they might be competing for a spot, but still they are nasty. Currently I am running them either 5 man TH/SS with Corbs in SR, or Rec with 3TH/SS and 2LC with Corbs in SR as well. Did try to foot slog them with Libby but they are very slow to BA standards. Therefore I am still playing with the idea of 6-7 Tac Termies with Corbs and Libby (SS) footsloging while my SR's fly over with Dreads. 

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BA termies with corbulo and a librarian for prescience is fun, but expensive, inflexible and in my opinion very boring.


Assault termies in a land raider with a sanguinary priest work very well too, but you really have to build your list around them and they are again quite expensive. They are the better option in my book though, they put on a lot of pressure, and a land raider moving 18'' in turn 1 will get them in charge range very quickly.

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Demoulis and Calnus showed most of what's wrong with Termies.

You can only move them around in a Storm Raven , which every codex becomes more dangerous . (Although only DC and Termies are viable in them anymore as cargo). Land Raider it is what is. 14  Armor and a fire magnet.

Last and least is the locator beacon which needs : One to drop the pod and the opponent not to destory it. Two not to play against dark angels cuz they can use the locator beacon against you. Three more interceptor for you, and Quard Cannon of Aegis is with 4 TL Lascannon is nothing to laught at.

It could work though with Bikers or Scouts and Locator beacon? Just thoughing ideas.
Also, 185 points give you 5 stearnguards with drop pod with 2 melta guns and 3 combi-plasma. That's what I do to kill DA Termies and it works, other armies have better answers.

Well, if you find a good trick though let us know.

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Only ever in themed lists and only ever in a Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer or Stormraven.


I honestly don't see why you would want them when for less cost you can get a more resilient, better armed, more flexible and scoring unit of Terminators from C:GK. Unless it's for fluff, which is what mine are for.


Of course, GKT still have mobility problems but it's mitigated somewhat by the fact that for less than ten points your allied GK HQ can take three teleport homers that can be placed anywhere on the table.  

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