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Apocalypse Preorders up


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Apocalypse book is a big hardcover at the same cost as the hardcover core rulebook. Lord of Skulls is beefy and silly, a taste of the old epic stuff, which I like, though sadly doesn't really have that mutated chaotic feel of the DV models.


Formations are listed (as those stupid no-discount bundle deals) as:


cult of destruction (mutilators and oblits)


heldrakes (because we need more motivation to buy those?)


Legionnaire warband (some of everything like a SM battle company, fluff reinforces the idea that the original chaos legions have largely broken up into warbands)


Lords of the Black Crusade (Abby plus each of the cult SCs)


Lost and the damned (ton of cultists, plus a dark apostle)


Thousand Sons War Coven (Ahriman plus three sorcerers, fluff implies they work together to case more powerful spell)


Tide of Spawn (bunch of spawn, fluff implies it will work similar to how it used to, only spawn are actually good now so yeah)


I'd paste links but the GW page will just take you to the country login whatever anyway. it's all easy to find, just go look.


Also there's new accessories. Looks like the new apocalypse won't use the same templates from the old one, so that you have to buy new ones. Meh.




All in all, it looks kind of cool to me, and I can field several of these formations with models I already own if I just get them together, so that's cool. But I don't know if I'd say it's us$75 cool, especially since I have a hard enough time getting through a regular sized game these days.

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I quite like the vengeance weapons battery for my iron warriors. The firestorm redoubt looks very tasty with 2 quad linked Icarus lascannons, but I can imagine that costing quite a few points.


Money wise, no deals, although that was expected. £95 for a lord of battle, ouch. I can get a dream forge leviathan for around £80, and I know which one I prefer.


Having to buy templates is annoying, and tempted with the huge dice box and vortex grenade, but I don't really need them. Our group will probably pull together to get 1 rulebook and 1 template set, but I do want that weapons battery :devil:

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I'm most interested in the book and that dice set... Seriously. Adeptus mechanicus printed Dice? correct me if I'm wrong but these are the first "custom" dice that we have seen GW do. I'd be insanely happy if this was an indication for the future! 

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Lost and the Damned has 12 Chaos Cultist sets ... so no champions or weapon upgrades then. Pass.


The Legionnaire Warband doesn't look too bad, except that it costs $981AUD! What in the sweet [censored] christ?! Pass.


The Lord of Skulls offers a multitude of options ... but not for the most retarded looking part, the right hand! Don't want a hand holding a massive chainaxe? Well please be quiet, that's all you're getting for right hand "options"! Maybe pass.




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Looking at the descriptions for the new fortifications, I saw the sentence that guaranteed my purchase:

"Rules for using this scenery piece in games of Warhammer 40,000 are included in the box."


Well hello Vengeance weapons battery what's a nice kit like you doing in a rough sector like this?

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Lost and the damn set...well, at least you don't have to wear your fingers out by clicking 12 times instead of 1...since they cost the same as the same number of cultist boxes + a DA... :P


And cultist champions and specials, that's what converting is for...

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None of the one click deals are 'worth it', hey're all the same as buying already available kits separately, and I doubt most of the formations require those specific kits anyway. LatD is almost assuredly better put together with DV kits purchased second hand, or cultists converted or created from other sets. The formation I'm most interested in - Legionnaire Warband - probably doesn't require those exact kits anyway, and would probably be better off with, say, another squad of terminators, or even some chosen, instead of those possessed, or another squad of bikes instead of those raptors, and so on.


I'm interested in the rules for the formations, rather than the one click "deals". That and the terrain, particularly if some of it is usable in regular games of 40k.



As for the lord of battles - It costs less than I expected it to, and I actually kind of like how it looks (I liked some of the goofiness of old 40k and epic in general), but even so it's still a bit out of my range.

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Now if only these sets had come out when I was building my army, things might be very different.

That Sons of Grimaldus formation.

Time to bide my time and wait for the Massacre book and subsequent forgeworld over load

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little bit annoying that the 'gamers edition' comes with the huge, unwieldy, non-table-friendly giant hardcover apocalypse book, while the 'collecters edition' comes with the smaller format 'just the rules' version and the more convenient separate datasheets. Whatever.



Anyway, if I had more disposable income, the collector's edition would be mighty tempting to me, as would the Lord of Skulls. As it is, whether I get the regular book right now is highly dependent on how some of the chaos formations turn out, particularly the Legionnaire Warband and Lords of the Black Crusade.

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censored.gif man just look at those price tags. Some of them are over $1,000! I wonder what's going to happen with GW when they see no one buys their "one click" formations? I mean really, who wants to pay that much money when there's still a few things in there they don't need?

Edit: As for the lord of battles, I don't think he looks that bad and with a bit of converting he might not be too bad at all. Still rather have a warhound or chaos converted baneblade though.

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Yeah, I mean some of the formations are "nice"(in a very relative sense) but like, the Legionnaire warband for example. If you already have everything but say, the Possessed, the Warpsmith and the Dark Apostle, you're not going to pay US$649 to rebuy almost everything. No, you're just going to buy what you need. So the one-clicks, while convenient if you want the formation, or redundant. Perhaps even useless one might say. But I'd be more interested in seeing what the rules for each formation are. Didn't GW use to have like PDF files for each individual formation?
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"We have all these boxes of Possessed just sitting in the warehouses. What do we do?"

"Include them in the new Legionnaire Warband set. In fact, give them TWO boxes of Possessed, why not?"


In their defense, it's two of all of the plastic CSM unit kits, apart from the basic CSMs that get three, and the 'zerkers which, along with the other cult units, aren't included. And somehow I doubt that the formation will require possessed.
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"We have all these boxes of Possessed just sitting in the warehouses. What do we do?"

"Include them in the new Legionnaire Warband set. In fact, give them TWO boxes of Possessed, why not?"


In their defense, it's two of all of the plastic CSM unit kits, apart from the basic CSMs that get three, and the 'zerkers which, along with the other cult units, aren't included. And somehow I doubt that the formation will require possessed.

Well, they are giving you all the parts you need to make good looking CSM's:

- Basic CSM kits for you to get bolter arms, etc.

- Possessed kits to give you some mutation-as-CCW options, cool powerpacks to help identify special weapon guys and Aspiring Champions. Also, you get some leg options that will allow you to avoid the horrible left legs of the CSM sprue.

- Raptor kits to allow for parts options that will let your CSM's look more like they belong alongside the Dark Vengeance Chosen. Also, if you are ambitious, you can use the raptor legs for action-oriented poses, and avoid the horrible left leg of the CSM sprue.

All told, you can easily get 40ish good looking CSM's out of the kit with spare parts left over to customize your bikers.

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