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That's how I read it too. Sadly.

I guess Furious Charge might be the best out of all those rules. Most of our stuff is likely to be Fearless, by the presence of the Chaos Lord, by the fact that there could be cult troops or thanks to Legionnaire Warband. Crusader is okay, and situational. Monster Hunter is situational.

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I agree, furious charge would probably be the most often used, but the rest could be situationally helpful. The fearless in particular could be worthwhile when playing against non-loyalist-marine enemies, where the legionnaire warband formation doesn't do anything for you.
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EC is pretty sweet, particularly if you aren't spending the points on the banner already. Death Guard, while sad for its zero synergy with plague marines, is still pretty awesome for anything else. Word Bearers, as mentioned, is amazing. World Eaters isn't half bad, either.
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And then you have the Night Lords. <_<


Making leadership re-rolls wouldn't be so bad if there was actually a chance to change the outcome. But in retrospect when considering some of the ideas others have put forward as being "Night Lords fluffy", it could have been worse.


To be honest, I'd rater we had gotten something similar to the Raven Guard and the Alpha Legion. Maybe Stealth and two other rules.

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Agree NL is terrible, but it's APO, house rule it. As mentioned, my preferred house rule is 'cancel Fearless and ATSKNF for enemy units w/in 12" of warlord', in addition to what it currently does.
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Agree NL is terrible, but it's APO, house rule it. As mentioned, my preferred house rule is 'cancel Fearless and ATSKNF for enemy units w/in 12" of warlord', in addition to what it currently does.

Yeah. I really like that, but cancelling ATSKNF doesn't seem fluffy to me. I would see it as the Smurfs getting all jacked up seeing the face of their 10,000 year old foe.

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Yes, you can house rule it, or say, your warlord is legion inducted Zhufor style, so he can actually claim his heritage (say, Raven Guard inducted tongue.png) because is it not even fair compared to...

Grunt- Hey mister Dark Apostle.

DA- Sup bro?

Grunt- Do you see this towering building?

DA- Yes?

Grunt- Well, actually is an Imperial Reaver Titan... we're dead I'm afraid.

DA- Oh.

DA- Erm... Hey you! Titan!

Titan- WHAT?

DA- I dare you to betray the Emprah!

Titan- CHALLENGE ACCEPTED *Turbolaser hard party over the imperial lines*

DA- Who's awesome, grunt?

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I would view both cancelling ATSKNF and taking control of a unit as warp-spawned hallucinations or temporary daemonic possession. Remember, we're in a setting where gods, daemons, and magic are all overtly real, playing the faction specifically aligned with and consumed by those forces.
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