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Footslogging Corsairs

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As I'm painting and modelling my Red Corsairs are veritable mercenary raiders based upon metal floor tiles etc (aboard ships and space installations) i'm hoping to go for a very footsloggy theme.

Would this be playable? I'll be supplementing the force with Termies and 2 Hellbrutes. And perhaps screen them with a large force of cultists. Would this be an acceptable playstyle? Not hyper minmaxed but at least capable to give a good fight?

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Well any list that includes Hellbrutes is definitely not hyper minmaxed. You need Huron's infiltrating ability, and you also need some other units that can deepstrike and/or move quickly across the battlefield. What could your army possibly do versus flyers, a more shooty army than yours, or even an assault-based army that could out-maneuver it?
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That's a great theme! I love the idea of having a strong background reasoning to the units you select. Based on your theme I'd select one big unit of terminators and two dreadnoughts for your elites.


Huron for your infiltrate of course. Lots and lots of chaos marines with assault weapons; I can imagine melta guns and flamers being really useful in a boarding action. Also I can totally imagine daemon allies to make up for the lack of tanks (to stay on theme); you're raiding out of the Maelstrom so daemons are defo an option. I guess with red corsairs it would be good to go with Khorne daemons for visual  consistency. Also if you end up with a flying blood thirster it kind of get around the sticky point of having some anti air.


Havocs are also a great idea; just stack them out with loads of cool anti air and anti tank weapons.


Finally, from a background point of view Huron has created a huge legion from stealing loads of gene seed so i reckon you should field as many unmarked chaos marines as possible and have a power armour horde!!!


i hope the project goes well for you.

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1) Well I actually found 8 undercoated Termies somewhere. Some with trophy racks some a mix of loyalist/chaos without the spikey racks they'd be ideal for Corsairs.


2) And yeah I have 25 or so kitbashed overly equipped Marines to field :) I have some melta and flamers so i could certainly use those.


3) Given that the Hounds of Huron are fluffy I was thinking of fielding 2 squads of bikers. How would i best equip them? I presume small minimal units of 3 with meltaguns?


4) Havoks i don't have many atm. Among my Marines i have some plasmagunners, several Heavy Bolters, a guy with a rocketlauncher but not much else. I could procure a few rocketlaunchers or lasgunners to fill out a havok squad though.


5) I prefer to keep Daemons out of it to keep things easy on my 'simple' mind ;) But I may consider them nonetheless especially as I do like the look of Khornate demons.

6) Would Berserkers be good or just fill in what my marine spam already does?


7) I am going to field at least one very big unit of cultists. Fluffwise it seems awesome and highly in tune with what we saw in the novels featuring Huron. (Night Lords one, Gildar Rift,...)

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In general, the berzerkers will be outpreformed by the marines -unless- you are facing an army where chainaxes just pwn their armor. Even then they are expensive, and in an all-comer list, better not to take.


This is not as true with bloodletters, since they all have ap3, which will make a much bigger difference in a marine-saturated game. (Which is quite likely).


Bikers and meltaguns are the general concensus.

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1) Thanks for the info. I'll skip on the Khornies then. They're not that explicitly fluff supporting unlike bikes anyway.

2) Havoc wise any squad compositions you advise? A few marines to absorb wounds no doubt and then a mix of las and missile?
3) I also got some heavy bolter guys. Shall I just stick them in the regular squads?

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Auto cannon and missile launcher havocs tend to be the most popular. I'm personally in the process of having a 7 man unit with 3 AC and 1 ML with flakk missiles. If you've got 4 plasma guns you can just group them into one squad and there's your havoc squad right there. Nobody likes 8 plasma gun hits!

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depends what you want to do with those bikers? Light harass, then i'd say two squads of 3-4 with 2x plasma, one with a sorc on bike going for psychic shriek. If you want more of a task force biker squad, one with 5-6 guys with either 2x plasma or 2x melta with a sorc on bike with MoN, black mace, level 2 or 3 rolling biomancy. Or instead of sorc you could do lord on bike with similar gear , and possible exchanging mace for lightning claws + power fist. Really the choice of special weapons comes down to what else is in your army. If you have a squad of termies i'd give your bikes and termies apposite weapons. Either a termicide with combi-meltas while the bikers have 2 plasma, or termicide with combi-plasma while bikers have combi melta. You could go both with plasma if you feel the rest of your army as sufficient anti mech (or is your local meta doesn't really even have much mech).

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Those upgradepacks have the weapons I require I presume to do such things?


I'm actually second guessing myself a bit and wondering whether for my Fast Attack i shouldn't go for jetpack troops... (Raptors)

They'd also fit the fluff and to a degree i find it more likely they'd be around.

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