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New Guy

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Hello all,


I am somewhat new to 40k, have about 1500 points of Marines painted and having a good time with it :)  I am looking to get into the background stories a bit more.  Just wondering what to pick up first from the Black Library.  I would like to start at the Horus Heresy but I don't have to.  Just looking for some suggestions to get me stated.



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Well, do you have a specific chapter that you like or want to know more about?  That can narrow down the choices.  


But to just name my top 5- the Soul Hunter trilogy, First Heretic and Betrayer by A D-B are a joy, Prospero Burns by Dan Abnett was quite good, and Fear To Tread by James Swallow was pretty entertaining, too.


The Horus Heresy series has been quite good, though I haven't read the whole collection by a wide margin.  I can't recall reading any that were bad, but some are definitely better than others.


On a different note, I always enjoy seeing other peoples' work, so if you fancy it do please throw some pics of your first army up in the WIP or Hall of Honor subforums :)

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Fifteen Hours


Ciaphas cain series

Night Lords series by Aaron dembski-bowden


Horus Heresy books that I'd recommend reading:

The first three books


The first heretic



Angel Exterminatus


Deliverance Lost


Those are great books imo

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