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Nurgle Raptors completed


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Hey all,


Been a long time in the finishing but I've finally gotten my Nurgle Raptors (at least most of them) completed.  Check out my blog for updated pics!






Also, here's the pictures of them assembled but before I started painting them:



Commentary and critque welcome!




My blog:







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Absolutely love it. Nurgle stuff was never my forte as I prefer really neat looking models and they tend not to be that.


What do you do to achieve that rusting effect? I've tried to get results like that but could never get them to look quite right.

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Thank you all, very much appreciated!


Here's a final picture of my jump pack Nurgle lord, sealed and with metal bits showing through rust:





I also just finished up my converted Nurgle Lord from the Chaos Lord from the Dark Vengeance boxed set, minor conversion to remove the sword and make a rusty ol power axe:










The rust effect is actually very, very simple.  Took me a while to get the hang of it.  At some point I'll put a tutorial on my blog, but big picture: paint black.  Then dapple-brush Mournfang Brown on some parts (leave some black, but not a lot), then dapple-brush a mix of Mournfang Brown and Berzerker Red, then dapple brush an orange-brown mix (with heavy emphasis on orange) on top.  There shoudl be no "pattern" to the dappling pattern, but you shoudl be able to see the brown, red, and orange parts in random areas, along with a little black.  Then wash witha  3:1 mix of Fuegan Orange and Agrax Earthshade washes.  Then when done with that, you can dapple the slightest bits of Boltgun metal on the black areas.  Then put a little bit of Agrax Earthshade over the Botlgun metal parts, and you're done. 


Hope that helps!

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